Reseña de The Heart of Betrayal

Mary E. Pearson

The Heart of Betrayal de Mary E. Pearson Resumen del Libro

Held captive in the barbarian kingdom of Venda, Lia and Rafe have little chance of escape . . . and even less of being together.

Desperate to save her life, Lia's erstwhile assassin, Kaden, has told the Vendan Komisar that she has a magical gift, and the Komisar's interest in Lia is greater than either Kaden or Lia foresaw.

Meanwhile, the foundations of Lia's deeply-held beliefs are crumbling beneath her. Nothing is straightforward: there's Rafe, who lied to her, but has sacrificed his freedom to protect her; Kaden, who meant to assassinate her but has now saved her life; and the Vendans, whom she always believed to be barbarians but whom she now realizes are people who have been terribly brutalized by the kingdoms of Dalbreck and Morrighan. Wrestling with her upbringing, her gift, and her very sense of self, Lia will have to make powerful choices that affect her country, her people . . . and her own destiny.

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Nombre del libro The Heart of Betrayal
Género Ficción distópica para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.02 MB

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Descarga de The Heart of Betrayal E-Book

El libro The Heart of Betrayal escrito por Mary E. Pearson se publicó el martes, 7 de julio de 2015 en la categoría Ficción distópica para jóvenes. Un total de 50 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the heart of betrayal (2.02 MB)

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