Reseña de Island of the Red Mangroves

Sarah Lark & Sharmila Cohen

Island of the Red Mangroves de Sarah Lark & Sharmila Cohen Resumen del Libro

Island of Red Mangroves is the follow-up to Sarah Lark's tumultuous novel, "Island of a Thousand Springs," set in Jamaica, 1732.

-- Jamaica, 1753: Deirdre, daughter of Englishwoman, Nora Fortnam and slave Akwasi, lives a sheltered life on her family's plantation. Her stepfather, Doug, has welcomed her into his life as his own. Despite Deirdre's scandalous origin, the men of the island flock to the young beauty, but she shows no interest. That is, until she is charmed by young doctor Victor Dufresne, who asks for her hand in marriage.

-- After their lavish wedding ceremony, Victor and Deirdre embark to Saint-Domingue on the island of Hispaniola, where Deirdre can live without the burden of her mixed background. But what happens there changes everything ...

-- Best-selling international author Sarah Lark delivers a gripping historical account of the social upheaval of the time set against the romantic Caribbean. For fans of Kathleen Grissom,THE KITCHEN HOUSE, Alex Haley, ROOTS: THE SAGA OF AN AMERICAN FAMILY, and Sue Monk Kidd, THE INVENTION OF WINGS.

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Nombre del libro Island of the Red Mangroves
Género Histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.61 MB

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Descarga de Island of the Red Mangroves E-Book

El libro Island of the Red Mangroves escrito por Sarah Lark & Sharmila Cohen se publicó el lunes, 6 de julio de 2015 en la categoría Histórica. Un total de 188 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico island of the red mangroves (1.61 MB)

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