Reseña de Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible

Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children

Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible de Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children Resumen del Libro

Discover a richly illustrated children's version of the world's most read book: the Bible

In this fifth book, find out about Joseph's life and the arrival of Hebrews in Egypt.

Joseph grew up surrounded by his brothers. He became a young, brave and lively shepherd. He worked alongside his brothers and was his father's favourite. Jacob was very proud of his first-born with Rachel. His brothers, seeing that their father loved him more than all the others, started hating him.

This collection is perfect for young readers (6-10 years old) to discover the greatest stories and the most importants charachters from the Bible.

Discover all the most important stories from the Old Testament in this new collection:

• Adam and Eve
• Noah's Ark
• The Tower of Babel
• Isaac's Sacrifice
• Joseph, Prince of Egypt
• Moses and the Ten Commandments
• Samson and Delilah
• David and Goliath
... and many more!

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Nombre del libro Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible
Género Ficción religiosa para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.53 MB

Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible (Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible, libro de Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children

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Descarga de Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible E-Book

El libro Joseph, Prince of Egypt and Other Stories From the Bible escrito por Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children se publicó el jueves, 16 de abril de 2015 en la categoría Ficción religiosa para jóvenes. Un total de 146 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico joseph, prince of egypt and other stories from the bible (3.53 MB)

Otros libros de Joël Muller, Roger De Klerk & The Bible Explained to Children

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