Reseña de Moon Signs

Helen Haught Fanick

Moon Signs de Helen Haught Fanick Resumen del Libro

Retirement is a time for knitting, gardening, and an occasional quiet lunch with friends, according to Kathleen Williamson.  Her sister Andrea has an altogether different point of view.  When the sisters go to the Canaan Valley to search for paintings mentioned in a document found in an old hotel once owned by their grandparents—paintings that might be Monets—Andrea immediately becomes involved in tracking down a murderer.  Kathleen would much rather be looking for the paintings, but she goes along with Andrea, since the victim was their hotel-keeper, murdered just down the hall from their room. The question is: Does the murder have something to do with the elusive paintings?

There are many clues and many suspects, including hotel staff, valley residents, and the mysterious foreigners who come from the Eastern Seaboard for skiing.  There are also many types of danger—icy roads, sub-zero temperatures, and a killer who doesn't care how many people die in the attempt to make sure the right ones do.

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Nombre del libro Moon Signs
Género Misterio acogedor
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 296.41 KB

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Descarga de Moon Signs E-Book

El libro Moon Signs escrito por Helen Haught Fanick se publicó el domingo, 19 de abril de 2015 en la categoría Misterio acogedor. Un total de 96 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico moon signs (296.41 KB)

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