What Women Want When They Test Men: How to Decode Female Behavior, Pass a Woman's Tests, and Attract Women Through Authenticity (Unabridged) Audiolibro

Bruce Bryans

What Women Want When They Test Men: How to Decode Female Behavior, Pass a Woman's Tests, and Attract Women Through Authenticity (Unabridged) de Bruce Bryans Resumen del Audiolibro

Most men have no idea that the women they know and love are testing them. These men go about their lives interacting with the opposite sex in absolute darkness, ignorant to the fact that they're being judged, appraised, approved, and rejected based on their subconscious reactions to female testing.

If you had no idea that women test men and why they have to, you're about to take a journey onto a road less traveled - the more mysterious side of female psychology and how women think.

So if you're dating or in a relationship and women constantly create drama, lose interest in you, or manipulate you, it's time you finally got some advice from one of the only relationship audiobooks for men that won't turn you into a doormat.

Here's what you're going to learn:
How to be radically honest with a woman and why this makes her more attracted to you. The reason why women test men consistently and how to use this knowledge to deepen a woman's desire. How to make a woman happy without becoming a complete doormat of a man. How to seduce your wife and get her in the mood by responding like a man whenever she "pokes the bear". How to be firm and say no to the woman you love without destroying intimacy. How to keep a woman interested in you by doing the one thing most men are deathly afraid of doing. How to avoid unnecessary arguments, fights, and drama with a woman by using a simple communication technique. The best way to secretly test a woman's level of romantic interest in you before making a long-term commitment. How to stop living in fear of what a woman might think, say, or do if she disagrees with or disapproves of you in any way. And much, much more...
Get started right away, and learn how to become the attractive man that has zero difficulty keeping a woman's respect, desire, and support.

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What Women Want When They Test Men: How to Decode Female Behavior, Pass a Woman's Tests, and Attract Women Through Authenticity (Unabridged) by Bruce Bryans 1281684397-what-women-want-when-they-test-men-how-t.mp3 Listen & MP3 Download.

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