If She Knew (A Kate Wise Mystery—Book 1) Audiolibro

Blake Pierce

If She Knew (A Kate Wise Mystery—Book 1) de Blake Pierce Resumen del Audiolibro

If She Knew (A Kate Wise Mystery) is audiobook number one in a psychological thriller series by best-selling author Blake Pierce.

Fifty-five-year-old empty nester — and freshly retired FBI agent — Kate Wise finds herself drawn out of her quiet suburban life when her friend’s daughter is murdered in a home invasion — and she is implored to help.

Kate thought she left the FBI behind after 30 years as their top agent, respected for her brilliant mind, tough street skills, and her uncanny ability to hunt down serial killers. Yet Kate, bored with the quiet town, at a crossroads in life, is summoned by a friend she can’t turn down.

As Kate hunts the killer, she soon finds herself at the forefront of a manhunt as more bodies turn up — all suburban moms in perfect marriages — and it becomes apparent there is a serial killer stalking this quiet town. She unearths secrets from her neighbors she wishes she never knew, discovering that all is not what it seems in this picture of model streets and neighbors. Affairs and lying are rampant, and Kate must sift through the town’s underbelly if she will stop the killer from striking again.

But this killer is one step ahead of her, and it may end up being Kate who is in danger.

An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, If She Knew is audiobook number one in a riveting series that will leave you listening late into the night.

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Idioma Español
Tamaño MP3 350 KB

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