The Poetry Of Hell Audiolibro

William Blake, John Milton & Dante Alighieri

The Poetry Of Hell de William Blake, John Milton & Dante Alighieri Resumen del Audiolibro

The Poetry Of Hell - An Introduction. It is often said that two things are unavoidable; Death and Taxes. Certainly the latter is a common thorn in adult life but as to the former it seems that for many people it is merely a hiccup in Life’s eternal journey. A journey they wish, if being of good deed and character, to share at the eternity of Heaven’s largesse, a reward for Faith and the obligations of Religion. Of course for those not so fortunate an altogether different experience was prepared for them; Hell. Its nightmare visions so terrifying conjured up by Dante, Milton, Blake, Baudelaire and many others. If Faith is your companion it is a very realistic world to avoid. As though gathered here will testify in their rich verse. Among our readers are Richard Mitchley and Ghizela Rowe.

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