The Wrong Gentleman (Unabridged) Audiolibro

Louise Bay

The Wrong Gentleman (Unabridged) de Louise Bay Resumen del Audiolibro

I’m an all-or-nothing man - 100 percent focused on whatever has my attention. First it was serving my country in the Special Forces. Then it was building my business. Right now it’s the hot blonde at the bar who’s about to become another notch on my bedpost.

But women never keep my attention for more than a night.

Until I peel off Skylar Anderson’s clothes and her mask starts to crumble, showing me glimpses of the girl she’s hiding. She’s funny, sexy, and vulnerable and throws me out of bed before I can catch my breath and suggest breakfast.

When I start my last undercover job on a yacht, turns out she’s one of the crew. I try, but I can’t look away.

Her high ponytail shows off her kissable neck that tastes like summer.

Her short uniform reveals the killer legs that were wrapped around me last night.

And her provocative smile? I know what that mouth is capable of.

I want to explore her body, discover her secrets, and sail off into the sunset with her.

I might want to go all in for Skylar, but she should stay away from me.

I’ve got secrets of my own, and they can only bring her trouble.

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Género Literatura erótica
Idioma Español
Tamaño MP3 350 KB

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