The Stopover: The Miles High Club, Book 1 (Unabridged) Audiolibro

T L Swan

The Stopover: The Miles High Club, Book 1 (Unabridged) de T L Swan Resumen del Audiolibro

A memorable night of passion refuses to stay just a memory in this sizzling and scandalous romance from bestselling author T L Swan.

I was upgraded to first class on a flight from London to New York.

The food, champagne, and service were impeccable. 

The blue-eyed man sitting next to me, even better. 

He was suave and intelligent. 

We talked and laughed, and something clicked. 

Fate took over and the plane was grounded, and we had an unexpected stopover for the night.

With no plans, we made our own. 

We danced and laughed our way around Boston and had a night of crazy passion that no woman would ever forget. 

That was twelve months ago, and I haven’t heard from him - until today. 

I started a new job and met the CEO. You can imagine my surprise to see those naughty blue eyes dance with delight when he saw me across the mahogany desk. 

But I’m not that carefree girl anymore. My life has changed, I have responsibilities. 

I just got an email. 

He wants to see me in his office for a private meeting at 8:00 a.m. 

Naughty blue eyes have no place in the workplace. 

What kind of private meeting does he have in mind?

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