Foundation: A Grouchy Geek Romance Audiolibro

Lainey Davis

Foundation: A Grouchy Geek Romance de Lainey Davis Resumen del Audiolibro

Meet the Brady family. They're brilliant, brooding and barreling into relationships whether they like it or not.

Zack Brady doesn’t do relationships. He does calculations.

When his family engineering firm sends him to investigate a sinkhole at a client’s house, Zack feels a tremor in the foundation of his carefully calculated world.

Her name is Nicole Kennedy. She’s loud and crass, and has no time for nonsense. She certainly doesn’t have time for a mysterious trench swallowing her yard. To make matters worse, the grouchy engineer who shows up to fix it is the same jerk she’s forced to run beside during the corporate relay race her boss insisted she run.

Somewhere between jogging and poring over geotechnical engineering plans, Nicole and Zack feel the earth move. Can they overcome their past to build something meaningful?

Foundation is book one of the Brady Family series. If you love messy family dynamics, unforgettable characters and sizzling chemistry, you’ll devour this new series by Lainey Davis, creator of the Stag Brothers series.

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