The Boy from the Woods (Unabridged) Audiolibro

Jen Minkman

The Boy from the Woods (Unabridged) de Jen Minkman Resumen del Audiolibro

Julia has been in love with Michael for years. He's the hottest guy in school, and she can't believe her luck when they finally hit it off during senior prom. Her dream doesn't last, though: After a few dates, he callously dumps her out of the blue. Summer vacation starts with Julia feeling heart-broken and miserable.

But then she rescues Michael in the woods when he has a motorcycle accident in a heavy thunderstorm. From that point onward, her life is turned upside down. Michael has changed completely after the blow to the head that nearly killed him - and he wants her back. But why is he so different? And will she be able to trust him this time around?

Can the boy who broke your heart ever win it back again?

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Nombre MP3 The Boy from the Woods (Unabridged)
Género Infantil y juvenil
Idioma Español
Tamaño MP3 350 KB

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