Near Death: A Thriller (Unabridged) Audiolibro

Glenn Cooper

Near Death: A Thriller (Unabridged) de Glenn Cooper Resumen del Audiolibro

Number-One International Best Seller

New from the internationally best-selling thriller writer Glenn Cooper, whose books have sold more than six million copies worldwide, comes Near Death.

A brilliant neuroscientist, obsessed with death since his own childhood near-death experience, resorts to drastic measures to prove the existence of the afterlife.

Milan, Italy, today. It is the most serious crisis that the world has ever faced. Bewildered, young and old, believers and atheists are asking all the same distressing questions: What will they do now that the greatest dream of humanity has turned into a nightmare? What will happen when the countdown clock winds to zero?

Boston, a few months before. It is the most complex investigation that Cyrus O'Malley has ever faced. The FBI special agent looks at photos of the victims for the umpteenth time and wonders why, after being strangled, the serial killer has drilled a tiny hole through their skull. For Cyrus the case becomes an obsession. To solve it he will be forced to give up everything he holds dear.

England, 1988. It is the most overwhelming feeling that Alex Weller has ever had. In ecstasy, at the pivot point between life and death, the boy sees a river of light flowing in front of him, and on the other side there is his father, joyfully urging him to join him. But Alex cannot move, and suddenly he is back at the site of the terrible car accident that has just killed his parents. Since that time Alex has had only one goal: to understand and relive that experience. Even if he is forced to kill.

Glenn Cooper has a background in archaeology from Harvard and practiced medicine as an infectious diseases specialist. He was the CEO of a biotechnology company for almost 20 years, has written numerous screenplays, and has produced three independent feature films. His novels have sold more than six million copies in 31 languages. He lives in Gilford, New Hampshire.

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