Anushka Karkera Libros Populares

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Best Seller Anushka Karkera Libros de 2024

  • Water Wheel sinopsis y comentarios

    Water Wheel

    Anushka Karkera & Kishore Karkera

    A 10yr old's pictorial perception of the science elements around her. This book is about Water and the different forms it exists in our world. All illustrations were hand done usin...

  • My trip to Monterey Aquarium sinopsis y comentarios

    My trip to Monterey Aquarium

    Anushka Karkera

    Armed with an iPad and stylus, 10 yd old Anushka Karkera set off on an expedition to Monterey Bay Aquarium and produced sketches of her experiences. She was helped on this quest by...