Blago Kirov Libros Populares

Blago Kirov Biografía y Hechos

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Best Seller Blago Kirov Libros de 2024

  • Marcus Aurelius: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Marcus Aurelius: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Marcus Aurelius and selected facts about Marcus Aurelius. “A man must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.” “A man’s worth is no grea...

  • Karl Marx: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Karl Marx: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Karl Marx and selected facts about Karl Marx. “Accumulate, accumulate! This is Moses and the Prophets!” “Democracy is the road to socialism...

  • Charles Darwin: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Charles Darwin: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Charles Darwin and selected facts about Charles Darwin. “Intelligence is based on how efficient a species became at doing the things they n...

  • Livy: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Livy: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Livy and selected facts about Livy. “Better late than never.”“Certain peace is better and safer than anticipated victory.”“Dignity is a mat...

  • Michel de Montaigne: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Michel de Montaigne: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Michel de Montaigne and selected facts about Michel de Montaigne: “A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.”“A man...

  • Arthur Schopenhauer: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Arthur Schopenhauer: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer and selected facts about Arthur Schopenhauer. “Life without pain has no meaning.”“Truth is most beautiful undraped.”“Ea...

  • Alexander Hamilton: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Alexander Hamilton: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Alexander Hamilton and selected facts about Alexander Hamilton. “Learn to think continentally.” “I never expect to see a perfect work from ...

  • Theodore Roosevelt: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Theodore Roosevelt: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Theodore Roosevelt and selected facts about Theodore Roosevelt.“The worst of all fears is the fear of living”“Whenever you are asked if you...

  • George Eliot: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    George Eliot: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from George Eliot and selected facts about George Eliot. It grants her reflections on subjects ranging from Love to Meaning of Life: “The happie...

  • Friedrich Nietzsche: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Friedrich Nietzsche: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche and selected facts about Friedrich Nietzsche. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”“All I need is a sheet of...

  • John Adams: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    John Adams: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from John Adams and selected facts about John Adams. “I am determined to control events, not be controlled by them.”“There are two ways to conq...

  • Francis Bacon: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Francis Bacon: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Francis Bacon and selected facts about Francis Bacon. “It is impossible to love and to be wise.”“A prudent question is onehalf of wisdom.”“...

  • Immanuel Kant: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Immanuel Kant: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Immanuel Kant and selected facts about Immanuel Kant. “All our knowledge falls with the bounds of experience.”“From such crooked wood as t...

  • Woodrow Wilson: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Woodrow Wilson: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Woodrow Wilson and selected facts about Woodrow Wilson. “I would … rather lose in a cause that I know some day will triumph than triumph in...

  • Jane Austen sinopsis y comentarios

    Jane Austen

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of 193 quotes from Jane Austen and 56 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Jane Austen. “One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the oth...

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Ralph Waldo Emerson: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson and selected facts about Ralph Waldo Emerson. “My life is not an apology, but a life. It is for itself and not for a s...

  • Henry Ford: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Henry Ford: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Henry Ford and selected facts about Henry Ford.“Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”“The only re...

  • Ovid: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Ovid: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Ovid and selected facts about Ovid. It grants his reflections on subjects ranging from Philosophy and Love to Meaning of Life; in addition,...

  • Benjamin Franklin: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Benjamin Franklin: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Benjamin Franklin and selected facts about Benjamin Franklin.“There never was a good knife made of bad steel.”“Either write something worth...

  • Aeschylus: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Aeschylus: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Aeschylus and selected facts about Aeschylus. “A great ox stands on my tongue.”“A prosperous fool is a grievous burden.”“Against necessity,...

  • Thomas Edison sinopsis y comentarios

    Thomas Edison

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of 92 quotes from Thomas Edison and 70 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Thomas Edison. I start where the last man left off. All bibles are manmade. ...

  • Jose Marti: Quotes & Facts sinopsis y comentarios

    Jose Marti: Quotes & Facts

    Blago Kirov

    This book is an anthology of quotes from Jose Marti and selected facts about Jose Marti.“Liberty is the essence of life. Whatever is done without it is imperfect.” “Life on earth i...