Jeannie Meekins Libros Populares

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Best Seller Jeannie Meekins Libros de 2024

  • Under the Bridge sinopsis y comentarios

    Under the Bridge

    Jeannie Meekins

    “Why can’t I play footy with you?” Michael asked.“Because I said so,” Jake answered.“Oh, who made you boss anyway, Jake?” Kyle asked.“Stay out of this, Kyle.” Jake turned his atten...

  • Girls Can't Play sinopsis y comentarios

    Girls Can't Play

    Jeannie Meekins

    “If I was a boy, you’d let me play,” grumbled Gertrude.“Yeah,” Flynn agreed. “But you’re not a boy. You’re a girl.”Gertrude wants to play footy. But the coach of the school footy t...

  • By Any Other Name sinopsis y comentarios

    By Any Other Name

    Jeannie Meekins

    What a father will do to protect his son and what a son will do to save his father.For as long as he can remember, Declan has loved his father, Michael. He has also been aware of t...

  • The Great Tadpole Hunt sinopsis y comentarios

    The Great Tadpole Hunt

    Jeannie Meekins

    “You stole Freddie!” Billy yelled, pushing George in the chest.George stumbled backwards, slipped and fell in the mud. All the other kids began laughing as George sat there looking...