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Best Seller Jensen Dg Manebog Libros de 2024

  • Jose Rizal: The First Filipino Phenom sinopsis y comentarios

    Jose Rizal: The First Filipino Phenom

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    It is the thesis of this book that if one want a good, if not necessarily perfect, embodiment of the term ‘phenom’ (and even ‘prodigy’), then Jose Rizal is an ideal choice.This boo...

  • From Socrates to Mill: An Analysis of Prominent Ethical Theories sinopsis y comentarios

    From Socrates to Mill: An Analysis of Prominent Ethical Theories

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    Designed by author Jensen DG. Mañebog and to aid the readers to become knowledgeable and critical about prominent moral theories, the book could also develop the...

  • Jose Rizal's Collaborations with Other Heroes sinopsis y comentarios

    Jose Rizal's Collaborations with Other Heroes

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    This unconventional history book scholarly identifies Jose Rizal’s relations and collaborations with other prominent heroes like Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Marcelo Del Pil...

  • Reasoning and Debate: A Handbook and a Textbook sinopsis y comentarios

    Reasoning and Debate: A Handbook and a Textbook

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    Written in cooperation with, this book about correct reasoning and debate helps readers to have a critical mind and become accurately logical. Teaching the funda...

  • Why I Am Not an Evolutionist sinopsis y comentarios

    Why I Am Not an Evolutionist

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    The book provides a critical evaluation of evolutionism. It answers essential questions like, “Is evolutionism as a worldview philosophically sound?;” “What can we reasonably say a...

  • The Colorful Love Affairs of Dr. Jose Rizal sinopsis y comentarios

    The Colorful Love Affairs of Dr. Jose Rizal

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    Under history and romance genres, this book coproduced by and scholarly narrates Jose Rizal’s romantic relationships with Segunda Katigbak, L...

  • The Interesting Tales of the Jose Rizal Family sinopsis y comentarios

    The Interesting Tales of the Jose Rizal Family

    Jensen DG. Mañebog

    One of the humble aims of this book is to introduce one interesting aspect in Rizal’s life, that is, his socalled family life. In light of recent findings, this book discusses what...