Lynnie Purcell Libros Populares

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Best Seller Lynnie Purcell Libros de 2024

  • Grey Haven sinopsis y comentarios

    Grey Haven

    Lynnie Brewer

    Nightmares are real and killing people as they sleep.18yearold Julie Aim has been chosen to attend the prestigious Grey Haven a school that teaches people like her how to hunt the...

  • Nightingale sinopsis y comentarios


    Lynnie Brewer

    It's been six months since Julie saw Tommy last. It's been five months since he's called and talked to Julie, Carrie, or Ben. No one is happy about it, least of all Julie.He finall...

  • Sleepwalkers sinopsis y comentarios


    Lynnie Brewer

    Reeling from loss, Julie's life is interrupted once again when a shade starts forcing its victims to sleepwalk right into murder, death, and mayhem, her least favorite trifecta. Me...

  • Nightmares sinopsis y comentarios


    Lynnie Brewer

    Julie's life in Mexico is far from peaceful as she learns new ways to kill shades, but it's everything she had hoped to find when she left Carrie, Tommy, and Ben behind at Grey Hav...

  • Deadly Nightshade sinopsis y comentarios

    Deadly Nightshade

    Lynnie Brewer

    A month after her fight with the dragon that put all of Grey Haven to sleep, Julie is kidnapped by a mysterious woman with uncertain motives. The only sure thing, as she battles ni...

  • Daydreamers sinopsis y comentarios


    Lynnie Brewer

    Captured by the school, and thrown in to it's most elite prison, Julie is isolated from the people she loves most, and is tasked with rescuing Harry, saving herself, and stopping t...