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Best Seller Rick Prall Libros de 2024

  • Time to Dig In: The Chosen (Season 1) Discussion Guide sinopsis y comentarios

    Time to Dig In: The Chosen (Season 1) Discussion Guide

    Rick Prall

    A small group discussion guide for use with The Chosen, Season 1 (episodes 1–8). This guide contains everything you need (except The Chosen videos) to organize and lead a small gro...

  • Time to Dig In: The Chosen (Season 2) Discussion Guide sinopsis y comentarios

    Time to Dig In: The Chosen (Season 2) Discussion Guide

    Rick Prall

    A small group discussion guide for use with The Chosen, Season 2 (episodes 1–8). This guide contains everything you need (except The Chosen videos) to organize and lead a small gro...

  • Surco, Peru sinopsis y comentarios

    Surco, Peru

    Rick Prall

    This is an overview of the mission work that The Glade Church is doing in Surco, Peru. The purpose of this book is to highlight and explain our work for those who might consider jo...