Popular Politica Y Actualidad Libros

Los mejores Politica Y Actualidad libros gratuitos de 2024

  • 21 Machetes resumen del libro, reseñas

    21 Machetes Resumen del Libro

    John Geesman

    Take one of America's largest utilities...a delusional, errorprone CEO...a $46.5 million war chest filched from customers...California's squalid, paytoplay ballot initiat...

  • Comprometidos con los Derechos Humanos resumen del libro, reseñas

    Comprometidos con los Derechos Humanos Resumen del Libro

    Abraham Magendzo

    Este libro está destinado a profesionales vinculados a la educación, estudiantes de pedagogía y activistas o líderes sociales, interesados en desarrollar iniciativas de educación e...

  • Contra la dictadura violeta resumen del libro, reseñas

    Contra la dictadura violeta Resumen del Libro

    Ramón Lamas

    He escrito estas páginas, que no me atrevo a llamar libro y dejo en alegato, a tirones y a golpe de noticia periodística.  No he pretendido hacer de ellas tratado ni ensay...

  • Le principe anarchiste resumen del libro, reseñas

    Le principe anarchiste Resumen del Libro

    Pierre Kropotkine

    " Le principe anarchiste " de Kropotkine, comme "L’esprit de révolte", c’est un des plus beaux textes du prince Russe. C’est un texte tardif, où domine un indén...

  • Plan de Accion Politica resumen del libro, reseñas

    Plan de Accion Politica Resumen del Libro

    Ruptura 25

    En septiembre del 2004, al cumplirse 25 años de retorno al sistema democrático en el Ecuador, nació el movimiento Ruptura de los 25, cuestionando la vieja práctica de la política e...

  • Rescate de la esperanza resumen del libro, reseñas

    Rescate de la esperanza Resumen del Libro

    Heriberto Félix Guerra, Gustavo Rodriguez Gon...

    La historia que aquí se cuenta reúne los testimonios de algunos hechos que nos tocó vivir en los últimos dos años. No se trata de un análisis científico. Tampoco de un detallado in...

  • The End of the European Dream resumen del libro, reseñas

    The End of the European Dream Resumen del Libro

    Stefan Auer

    Europe's better times were meant to be ahead of it. Not so long ago, the European dream was believed to have provided the best vision of the future; Europe was going ...

  • A Great Deception resumen del libro, reseñas

    A Great Deception Resumen del Libro

    Western Shugden Society

    With this book the Western Shugden Society wishes that individual people around the world will use their influence to help millions of Buddhist practitioners who are presently suff...

  • El derecho internacional resumen del libro, reseñas

    El derecho internacional Resumen del Libro

    Jose Diaz Covarrubias

    Este documento contiene las instrucciones para los ejércitos de los estados unidos en Campana, la ley consular mexicana y los tratados entre México y las naciones extranjeras.

  • Piratas da internet resumen del libro, reseñas

    Piratas da internet Resumen del Libro

    Marcelo Hacker

    Esse livro é pirata, foi pirateado de vários documentos da internet, são varios autores e escritores remixados. nas notas estão os links e as referencias, o principal objetivo é te...

  • My Chomsky Critique resumen del libro, reseñas

    My Chomsky Critique Resumen del Libro

    Steven Hager

    Noam Chomsky is both the whipping post of the radical conspiracy community and the voice of reason for the intellectual left. The conspiracy community refers to Chomsky as "a ...

  • Guerras Electorales resumen del libro, reseñas

    Guerras Electorales Resumen del Libro

    Roberto Ibarra

    Recuerda los abusos cometidos en el pasado en las elecciones para presidente de la República Mexicana con este libro acerca de las transas electorales. Además, conoce la historia d...

  • Il Principe resumen del libro, reseñas

    Il Principe Resumen del Libro

    Niccolò Machiavelli

    Un’altra edizione ce ne sono tantissime dell’opera più conosciuta di Niccolò Machiavelli e molto spesso citata senza averla mai consultata. Questa versione digitale proposta da M...

  • The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3 resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3 Resumen del Libro

    George Gordon Byron

    The present volume contains the six metrical tales which were composed within the years 1812 and 1815, the Hebrew Melodies, and the minor poems of 18091816. With ...

  • The European Fall resumen del libro, reseñas

    The European Fall Resumen del Libro

    Christoffer Emil Bruun

    The European Fall   The European Fall is an anthology that charts the mental consequences of the economic and political crisis that Europe is going through. It consists of...

  • Problemas candentes, respuestas a medias resumen del libro, reseñas

    Problemas candentes, respuestas a medias Resumen del Libro

    Juan Carlos Núñez Bustillos, Francisco Javier...

    En México, el primer semestre de 2014 se vio marcado por los esfuerzos del Ejecutivo por controlar un país que, por momentos, parece escapársele de las manos. Muestra de ello es el...

  • The Communist Manifesto resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Communist Manifesto Resumen del Libro

    Karl Marx

    It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and pro...

  • El gran error dels catalans no independentistes resumen del libro, reseñas

    El gran error dels catalans no independentistes Resumen del Libro

    Màrius Calvet

    Anàlisi de la posició del catalans que no donen sport a la independència de Catalunya, en relació a les eleccions del 27 de setembre del 2015

  • Breve historia del liberalismo. Desde Jerusalen hasta Buenos Aires resumen del libro, reseñas

    Breve historia del liberalismo. Desde Jerusalen hasta Buenos Aires Resumen del Libro

    Jorge Klusen

    Dos mil años de historia liberal, desde Jerusalén en época de Jesús, hasta nuestros días en Buenos Aires, Argentina. El origen del liberalismo más allá de lo que solemos pensar o c...

  • Essay resumen del libro, reseñas

    Essay Resumen del Libro

    Karol Bojnowski

    Thanks to scientists like Dr. John Searle, Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Language at University of California Berkeley, some key points about us Homo sapiens have b...

  • How to Create An Economic Democracy resumen del libro, reseñas

    How to Create An Economic Democracy Resumen del Libro

    Richard J. Wilson

    In 1620 Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum introduced a new scientific method of investigating nature. In 1690 John Locke used the new scientific method to discover how to create politi...

  • Broken Trust resumen del libro, reseñas

    Broken Trust Resumen del Libro

    Randall W. Roth & Samuel P. King

    Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the largest landowner and richest woman in the Hawaiian kingdom. Upon her death in 1884, she entrusted her propertyknown as Bishop Estateto five ...

  • Green Energy War resumen del libro, reseñas

    Green Energy War Resumen del Libro

    John Geesman

    No drumbeat resonates like the mobilization of public opinion for war. In 2008 and 2009, policy elites around the world prepared for US reentry to the global climate debate. These ...

  • Sobre el futur del PSC resumen del libro, reseñas

    Sobre el futur del PSC Resumen del Libro

    Jordi Font

    “El socialisme català presenta avui nous interrogants. Bon senyal. Tot just ahir era contra les roques. Miquel Iceta, el flamant primer secretari, no para de fer senyals: ...

  • Cuentos resumen del libro, reseñas

    Cuentos Resumen del Libro

    Anatole France & Alfonso Cravioto

    Es una colección de poemas escrita por Anatole France. Anatole France es una poeta, novelista nació en Paris en 1844.

  • El Orden Mundial del Siglo XXI resumen del libro, reseñas

    El Orden Mundial del Siglo XXI Resumen del Libro

    Luis Dallanegra Pedraza

    En el mundo se habla, especialmente desde la finalización de la Guerra del Golfo Pérsico (enero de 1991) , del “nuevo orden mundial” repitiéndose la afirmación hecha por George Bus...

  • The Republic resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Republic Resumen del Libro


    The Republic is Plato's best known written work, structured as a Socratic dialogue between the great teacher, his students and other citizens of Athens. A seminal investigatio...

  • The Occupy Manifesto resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Occupy Manifesto Resumen del Libro

    Deena Sao

    A concise list of the problems The Occupy movement is demonstrating against and a list our our demands.

  • Growing a Better Future resumen del libro, reseñas

    Growing a Better Future Resumen del Libro

    Robert Bailey, Duncan Green, Naomi Hossain, K...

    The global food system works only for the few – for most of us it is broken. It leaves the billions who consume food lacking sufficient power and knowledge about what they buy and ...

  • The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict Resumen del Libro

    Barry Rubin

    Hundreds of books and thousands of articles have been devoted to the history and contemporary course of the ArabIsraeli conflict. The confrontation within Palestine, the participat...

  • MegaUpload resumen del libro, reseñas

    MegaUpload Resumen del Libro

    Carlos Avila

    Resumen de prensa de la crisis de la red.

  • Du contrat social resumen del libro, reseñas

    Du contrat social Resumen del Libro

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Ce petit traité est extrait d'un ouvrage plus étendu, entrepris autrefois sans avoir consulté mes forces, et abandonné depuis longtemps.

  • On the Hunt in Baghdad resumen del libro, reseñas

    On the Hunt in Baghdad Resumen del Libro

    Michael J. Totten

    In this classic riveting dispatch from Iraq awardwinning foreign correspondent Michael J. Totten embeds with a unit of battlehardened American soldiers as they hunt the elusive ter...

  • Second Treatise of Government resumen del libro, reseñas

    Second Treatise of Government Resumen del Libro

    John Locke

    In the state of nature, natural law governs behavior, and each person has license to execute that law against someone who wrongs them by infringing on their rights. People take wha...

  • The Truth about Syria resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Truth about Syria Resumen del Libro

    Barry Rubin

    Beyond the political typology it embodies, Syria also provides the best case study of what has happened in the Arab world, and thus in the Middle East, during the last halfcentury....

  • Corea del Norte resumen del libro, reseñas

    Corea del Norte Resumen del Libro


    La intención del contenido de este eBook es cubrir lagunas de información y desmentir leyendas urbanas que se ciernen sobre este país asiático. Como cualquier país, Corea del Norte...

  • Common Sense resumen del libro, reseñas

    Common Sense Resumen del Libro

    Thomas Paine

    Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775 – 76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for ...

  • Considerations on Representative Government resumen del libro, reseñas

    Considerations on Representative Government Resumen del Libro

    John Stuart Mill

    The classic liberal philosopher of nineteenth century England, John Stuart Mill, used Considerations on Representative Government to call for reforms to Parliament and voting, call...

  • Revista Polemica 101 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Revista Polemica 101 Resumen del Libro

    Víctor Alba, Lily Litvak, Antonio Téllez, Fra...

    Un pequeño experimento para valorar la viabilidad de la revista como publicación electrónica, en este caso en el formato iBook

  • Carta Local - FEMP 2012 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Carta Local - FEMP 2012 Resumen del Libro

    Federación Española de Municipios y Provincia...

    Carta Local ofrece un repaso a la actualidad de los municipios y provincias de España. La Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) es la Asociación de Entidades Locale...

  • Economics resumen del libro, reseñas

    Economics Resumen del Libro

    Jana Licht, Numair Abbas & Olaf Kellerhoff

    In this booklet the basics of economics knowledge is described in the best possible simple way. It addresses the economics rules, how incentives change the decisions. The book expl...

  • Mi mentidero resumen del libro, reseñas

    Mi mentidero Resumen del Libro

    Fermín Aparicio Saez

    Recopilación de artículos y columnas de opinión del autor publicadas en el Diario de la Bahia de Cádiz y el Diario Progresista, de Mayo de 2012 a Febrero de 2014. en la recopilació...

  • The Athenian Constitution resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Athenian Constitution Resumen del Libro


    The part of accuser was taken by Myron. They were found guilty of the sacrilege, and their bodies were cast out of their graves and their race banished for evermore. In view of thi...

  • Transparencia Focalizada resumen del libro, reseñas

    Transparencia Focalizada Resumen del Libro

    Ramón Aguilera, Eduardo Bohórquez y Deniz Dev...

    La participación ciudadana en el escrutinio de las acciones públicas es la base de en la que descansa la verdadera democratización del ejercicio gubernamental.

  • The transformation of society and public service broadcasting resumen del libro, reseñas

    The transformation of society and public service broadcasting Resumen del Libro

    Philip Schlesinger & Michele Sorice

    This paper comes from the introductory work of the “Gruppo di Torino”, initiated by Infocivica, which has involved the participation of scholars from academic institutions in nine ...

  • Why I Support Same-Sex Civil Marriage resumen del libro, reseñas

    Why I Support Same-Sex Civil Marriage Resumen del Libro

    David Bruce

    This documents provides arguments in favor of samesex civil marriage.

  • The Retirement Crisis resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Retirement Crisis Resumen del Libro

    Scott Thorpe

    Every day for the next twenty years, 10,000 baby boomers will retire. Paying for the boomers retirement will cost an additional 10% of GDP, the equivalent our current spending on t...

  • Manifesto of the Communist Party resumen del libro, reseñas

    Manifesto of the Communist Party Resumen del Libro

    Karl Marx

    The Manifesto of the Communist Party was drafted as its party program by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in Brussels at the order of the second congress of the League of Communists ...

  • Dirty Money resumen del libro, reseñas

    Dirty Money Resumen del Libro

    Steven Hager

    Ever wondered about the real meaning of "The Wizard of Oz?" Who do you think really controls the banking industry? What are the connections between the intelligence agenc...

  • Politics as a Vocation resumen del libro, reseñas

    Politics as a Vocation Resumen del Libro

    Max Weber & Olaf Kellerhoff

    Initially, a lecture for students this essay by Max Weber (18641920), the founder of political sociology, turned out to be a classic of political sciences. Until today it is a set ...

  • When The Eagle Screams resumen del libro, reseñas

    When The Eagle Screams Resumen del Libro

    Stephen Bowman

    America's Vulnerability to Terrorism When The Eagle Screams was written prior to the first World Trade Center bombing. It is recognized as perhaps the first writing by an Amer...

  • The English Constitution resumen del libro, reseñas

    The English Constitution Resumen del Libro

    Walter Bagehot

    The book explores the constitution of the United Kingdom, specifically the functioning of Parliament and the British monarchy and the c...

  • War of the Classes resumen del libro, reseñas

    War of the Classes Resumen del Libro

    Jack London

    There is described the struggle for survival by the working class in his day and age.

  • Vivencias de Etapa 2008-2012 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Vivencias de Etapa 2008-2012 Resumen del Libro

    Abdeslam Baraka

    La etapa 20082012 marcará profundamente la historia de la humanidad y se recordará en los próximos siglos, como un hito fundacional en el proceso de organización política, económic...

  • Countries of the World Part Ii resumen del libro, reseñas

    Countries of the World Part Ii Resumen del Libro

    Addison Publisher

    This eBook Covers Facts of all Countries Introduction Geographic People and Society Government Economy Energy Communications Transportation Military Transnational Issues ...

  • Essays on Political Economy resumen del libro, reseñas

    Essays on Political Economy Resumen del Libro

    Frédéric Bastiat

    Bastiat asserted that the only purpose of government is to defend the right of an individual to life, liberty, and property. From this definition, Bastiat concluded that the law ca...

  • Popular politics, populism	and the leaders resumen del libro, reseñas

    Popular politics, populism and the leaders Resumen del Libro

    Emiliana De Blasio, Matthew Hibberd & Michele...

    A short essay about the relationships between popularization of politics and populism. The role of the media in the cases of Italy and UK.

  • A Letter from Iran resumen del libro, reseñas

    A Letter from Iran Resumen del Libro

    Mehrdad Goudarzi

    A fresh look at the events of modern time and the source of current troubles between Iran and America, issues that have far too long been ignored by the mass market American media....

  • constitucional judicatura resumen del libro, reseñas

    Constitucional judicatura Resumen del Libro


    temas oposición programa 2011

  • United States Documents resumen del libro, reseñas

    United States Documents Resumen del Libro

    US Government

    Compiled in this massive digitalized collection are over 60 landmark United States documents including: court decisions, speeches, declarations, consitutions, and acts. Accompanied...

Mejor pagado Politica Y Actualidad Libros de 2024

  • 21 Machetes resumen del libro, reseñas

    21 Machetes Book Reviews

    John Geesman

    Take one of America's largest utilities...a delusional, errorprone CEO...a $46.5 million war chest filched from customers...California's squalid, paytoplay ballot initiat...

  • Comprometidos con los Derechos Humanos resumen del libro, reseñas

    Comprometidos con los Derechos Humanos Book Reviews

    Abraham Magendzo

    Este libro está destinado a profesionales vinculados a la educación, estudiantes de pedagogía y activistas o líderes sociales, interesados en desarrollar iniciativas de educación e...

  • Contra la dictadura violeta resumen del libro, reseñas

    Contra la dictadura violeta Book Reviews

    Ramón Lamas

    He escrito estas páginas, que no me atrevo a llamar libro y dejo en alegato, a tirones y a golpe de noticia periodística.  No he pretendido hacer de ellas tratado ni ensay...

  • Le principe anarchiste resumen del libro, reseñas

    Le principe anarchiste Book Reviews

    Pierre Kropotkine

    " Le principe anarchiste " de Kropotkine, comme "L’esprit de révolte", c’est un des plus beaux textes du prince Russe. C’est un texte tardif, où domine un indén...

  • Plan de Accion Politica resumen del libro, reseñas

    Plan de Accion Politica Book Reviews

    Ruptura 25

    En septiembre del 2004, al cumplirse 25 años de retorno al sistema democrático en el Ecuador, nació el movimiento Ruptura de los 25, cuestionando la vieja práctica de la política e...

  • Rescate de la esperanza resumen del libro, reseñas

    Rescate de la esperanza Book Reviews

    Heriberto Félix Guerra, Gustavo Rodriguez González, Mario de Jesús H. Gracida Vera, Lilián Visuet Navarrete, Jesús Morales Martínez, Miguel Ángel de Alba & José Gerardo Meneses

    La historia que aquí se cuenta reúne los testimonios de algunos hechos que nos tocó vivir en los últimos dos años. No se trata de un análisis científico. Tampoco de un detallado in...

  • The End of the European Dream resumen del libro, reseñas

    The End of the European Dream Book Reviews

    Stefan Auer

    Europe's better times were meant to be ahead of it. Not so long ago, the European dream was believed to have provided the best vision of the future; Europe was going ...

  • A Great Deception resumen del libro, reseñas

    A Great Deception Book Reviews

    Western Shugden Society

    With this book the Western Shugden Society wishes that individual people around the world will use their influence to help millions of Buddhist practitioners who are presently suff...

  • El derecho internacional resumen del libro, reseñas

    El derecho internacional Book Reviews

    Jose Diaz Covarrubias

    Este documento contiene las instrucciones para los ejércitos de los estados unidos en Campana, la ley consular mexicana y los tratados entre México y las naciones extranjeras.

  • Piratas da internet resumen del libro, reseñas

    Piratas da internet Book Reviews

    Marcelo Hacker

    Esse livro é pirata, foi pirateado de vários documentos da internet, são varios autores e escritores remixados. nas notas estão os links e as referencias, o principal objetivo é te...

  • My Chomsky Critique resumen del libro, reseñas

    My Chomsky Critique Book Reviews

    Steven Hager

    Noam Chomsky is both the whipping post of the radical conspiracy community and the voice of reason for the intellectual left. The conspiracy community refers to Chomsky as "a ...

  • Guerras Electorales resumen del libro, reseñas

    Guerras Electorales Book Reviews

    Roberto Ibarra

    Recuerda los abusos cometidos en el pasado en las elecciones para presidente de la República Mexicana con este libro acerca de las transas electorales. Además, conoce la historia d...

  • Il Principe resumen del libro, reseñas

    Il Principe Book Reviews

    Niccolò Machiavelli

    Un’altra edizione ce ne sono tantissime dell’opera più conosciuta di Niccolò Machiavelli e molto spesso citata senza averla mai consultata. Questa versione digitale proposta da M...

  • The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3 resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3 Book Reviews

    George Gordon Byron

    The present volume contains the six metrical tales which were composed within the years 1812 and 1815, the Hebrew Melodies, and the minor poems of 18091816. With ...

  • The European Fall resumen del libro, reseñas

    The European Fall Book Reviews

    Christoffer Emil Bruun

    The European Fall   The European Fall is an anthology that charts the mental consequences of the economic and political crisis that Europe is going through. It consists of...

  • Problemas candentes, respuestas a medias resumen del libro, reseñas

    Problemas candentes, respuestas a medias Book Reviews

    Juan Carlos Núñez Bustillos, Francisco Javier Núñez de la Peña, Luis Ignacio Román Morales, Sergio Negrete Cárdenas, Esteban Mario Garaiz Izarra, María Marván Laborde, René Torres Ruiz, Jorge Enrique Rocha Quintero, Israel Tonatiuh Lay Arellano, Juan Sebastián Larrosa Fuentes, Alfonso Hernández Valdéz, Martha Olivia Arias Vázquez, Jorge Valdivia García, Martín Juárez Guevara, José Miguel Edgar Cortez Moralez, Judith Morán Covarrubias, Juan Carlos Silas Casillas, Jaime Morales Hernández, Eduardo Gerardo Quijano Tenrreiro, César Villanueva Rivas & Jesús Vergara Aceves

    En México, el primer semestre de 2014 se vio marcado por los esfuerzos del Ejecutivo por controlar un país que, por momentos, parece escapársele de las manos. Muestra de ello es el...

  • The Communist Manifesto resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Communist Manifesto Book Reviews

    Karl Marx

    It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and pro...

  • El gran error dels catalans no independentistes resumen del libro, reseñas

    El gran error dels catalans no independentistes Book Reviews

    Màrius Calvet

    Anàlisi de la posició del catalans que no donen sport a la independència de Catalunya, en relació a les eleccions del 27 de setembre del 2015

  • Breve historia del liberalismo. Desde Jerusalen hasta Buenos Aires resumen del libro, reseñas

    Breve historia del liberalismo. Desde Jerusalen hasta Buenos Aires Book Reviews

    Jorge Klusen

    Dos mil años de historia liberal, desde Jerusalén en época de Jesús, hasta nuestros días en Buenos Aires, Argentina. El origen del liberalismo más allá de lo que solemos pensar o c...

  • Essay resumen del libro, reseñas

    Essay Book Reviews

    Karol Bojnowski

    Thanks to scientists like Dr. John Searle, Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Language at University of California Berkeley, some key points about us Homo sapiens have b...

  • How to Create An Economic Democracy resumen del libro, reseñas

    How to Create An Economic Democracy Book Reviews

    Richard J. Wilson

    In 1620 Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum introduced a new scientific method of investigating nature. In 1690 John Locke used the new scientific method to discover how to create politi...

  • Broken Trust resumen del libro, reseñas

    Broken Trust Book Reviews

    Randall W. Roth & Samuel P. King

    Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the largest landowner and richest woman in the Hawaiian kingdom. Upon her death in 1884, she entrusted her propertyknown as Bishop Estateto five ...

  • Green Energy War resumen del libro, reseñas

    Green Energy War Book Reviews

    John Geesman

    No drumbeat resonates like the mobilization of public opinion for war. In 2008 and 2009, policy elites around the world prepared for US reentry to the global climate debate. These ...

  • Sobre el futur del PSC resumen del libro, reseñas

    Sobre el futur del PSC Book Reviews

    Jordi Font

    “El socialisme català presenta avui nous interrogants. Bon senyal. Tot just ahir era contra les roques. Miquel Iceta, el flamant primer secretari, no para de fer senyals: ...

  • Cuentos resumen del libro, reseñas

    Cuentos Book Reviews

    Anatole France & Alfonso Cravioto

    Es una colección de poemas escrita por Anatole France. Anatole France es una poeta, novelista nació en Paris en 1844.

  • El Orden Mundial del Siglo XXI resumen del libro, reseñas

    El Orden Mundial del Siglo XXI Book Reviews

    Luis Dallanegra Pedraza

    En el mundo se habla, especialmente desde la finalización de la Guerra del Golfo Pérsico (enero de 1991) , del “nuevo orden mundial” repitiéndose la afirmación hecha por George Bus...

  • The Republic resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Republic Book Reviews


    The Republic is Plato's best known written work, structured as a Socratic dialogue between the great teacher, his students and other citizens of Athens. A seminal investigatio...

  • The Occupy Manifesto resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Occupy Manifesto Book Reviews

    Deena Sao

    A concise list of the problems The Occupy movement is demonstrating against and a list our our demands.

  • Growing a Better Future resumen del libro, reseñas

    Growing a Better Future Book Reviews

    Robert Bailey, Duncan Green, Naomi Hossain, Kate Kilpatrick, Swati Narayan, Bertram Zagema, Tim Gore & Debbie Hillier

    The global food system works only for the few – for most of us it is broken. It leaves the billions who consume food lacking sufficient power and knowledge about what they buy and ...

  • The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict Book Reviews

    Barry Rubin

    Hundreds of books and thousands of articles have been devoted to the history and contemporary course of the ArabIsraeli conflict. The confrontation within Palestine, the participat...

  • MegaUpload resumen del libro, reseñas

    MegaUpload Book Reviews

    Carlos Avila

    Resumen de prensa de la crisis de la red.

  • Du contrat social resumen del libro, reseñas

    Du contrat social Book Reviews

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Ce petit traité est extrait d'un ouvrage plus étendu, entrepris autrefois sans avoir consulté mes forces, et abandonné depuis longtemps.

  • On the Hunt in Baghdad resumen del libro, reseñas

    On the Hunt in Baghdad Book Reviews

    Michael J. Totten

    In this classic riveting dispatch from Iraq awardwinning foreign correspondent Michael J. Totten embeds with a unit of battlehardened American soldiers as they hunt the elusive ter...

  • Second Treatise of Government resumen del libro, reseñas

    Second Treatise of Government Book Reviews

    John Locke

    In the state of nature, natural law governs behavior, and each person has license to execute that law against someone who wrongs them by infringing on their rights. People take wha...

  • The Truth about Syria resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Truth about Syria Book Reviews

    Barry Rubin

    Beyond the political typology it embodies, Syria also provides the best case study of what has happened in the Arab world, and thus in the Middle East, during the last halfcentury....

  • Corea del Norte resumen del libro, reseñas

    Corea del Norte Book Reviews


    La intención del contenido de este eBook es cubrir lagunas de información y desmentir leyendas urbanas que se ciernen sobre este país asiático. Como cualquier país, Corea del Norte...

  • Common Sense resumen del libro, reseñas

    Common Sense Book Reviews

    Thomas Paine

    Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775 – 76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for ...

  • Considerations on Representative Government resumen del libro, reseñas

    Considerations on Representative Government Book Reviews

    John Stuart Mill

    The classic liberal philosopher of nineteenth century England, John Stuart Mill, used Considerations on Representative Government to call for reforms to Parliament and voting, call...

  • Revista Polemica 101 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Revista Polemica 101 Book Reviews

    Víctor Alba, Lily Litvak, Antonio Téllez, Frank Mintz, Diego Abad de Santillán, Octavio Alberola, Ramón Álvarez, Rudolf de Jong, Horacio M. Prieto, José Peirats, Felipe Alaiz, Ramón J. Sender, Fernando Savater & Francisco Carrasquer

    Un pequeño experimento para valorar la viabilidad de la revista como publicación electrónica, en este caso en el formato iBook

  • Carta Local - FEMP 2012 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Carta Local - FEMP 2012 Book Reviews

    Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias

    Carta Local ofrece un repaso a la actualidad de los municipios y provincias de España. La Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) es la Asociación de Entidades Locale...

  • Economics resumen del libro, reseñas

    Economics Book Reviews

    Jana Licht, Numair Abbas & Olaf Kellerhoff

    In this booklet the basics of economics knowledge is described in the best possible simple way. It addresses the economics rules, how incentives change the decisions. The book expl...

  • Mi mentidero resumen del libro, reseñas

    Mi mentidero Book Reviews

    Fermín Aparicio Saez

    Recopilación de artículos y columnas de opinión del autor publicadas en el Diario de la Bahia de Cádiz y el Diario Progresista, de Mayo de 2012 a Febrero de 2014. en la recopilació...

  • The Athenian Constitution resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Athenian Constitution Book Reviews


    The part of accuser was taken by Myron. They were found guilty of the sacrilege, and their bodies were cast out of their graves and their race banished for evermore. In view of thi...

  • Transparencia Focalizada resumen del libro, reseñas

    Transparencia Focalizada Book Reviews

    Ramón Aguilera, Eduardo Bohórquez y Deniz Devrim, Ricardo Corona, Felipe Hevia, Jorge Nacif, Alberto J. Olvera, Khemvrig Puente, Ana Joaquina Ruiz & Juan Schuster

    La participación ciudadana en el escrutinio de las acciones públicas es la base de en la que descansa la verdadera democratización del ejercicio gubernamental.

  • The transformation of society and public service broadcasting resumen del libro, reseñas

    The transformation of society and public service broadcasting Book Reviews

    Philip Schlesinger & Michele Sorice

    This paper comes from the introductory work of the “Gruppo di Torino”, initiated by Infocivica, which has involved the participation of scholars from academic institutions in nine ...

  • Why I Support Same-Sex Civil Marriage resumen del libro, reseñas

    Why I Support Same-Sex Civil Marriage Book Reviews

    David Bruce

    This documents provides arguments in favor of samesex civil marriage.

  • The Retirement Crisis resumen del libro, reseñas

    The Retirement Crisis Book Reviews

    Scott Thorpe

    Every day for the next twenty years, 10,000 baby boomers will retire. Paying for the boomers retirement will cost an additional 10% of GDP, the equivalent our current spending on t...

  • Manifesto of the Communist Party resumen del libro, reseñas

    Manifesto of the Communist Party Book Reviews

    Karl Marx

    The Manifesto of the Communist Party was drafted as its party program by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in Brussels at the order of the second congress of the League of Communists ...

  • Dirty Money resumen del libro, reseñas

    Dirty Money Book Reviews

    Steven Hager

    Ever wondered about the real meaning of "The Wizard of Oz?" Who do you think really controls the banking industry? What are the connections between the intelligence agenc...

  • Politics as a Vocation resumen del libro, reseñas

    Politics as a Vocation Book Reviews

    Max Weber & Olaf Kellerhoff

    Initially, a lecture for students this essay by Max Weber (18641920), the founder of political sociology, turned out to be a classic of political sciences. Until today it is a set ...

  • When The Eagle Screams resumen del libro, reseñas

    When The Eagle Screams Book Reviews

    Stephen Bowman

    America's Vulnerability to Terrorism When The Eagle Screams was written prior to the first World Trade Center bombing. It is recognized as perhaps the first writing by an Amer...

  • The English Constitution resumen del libro, reseñas

    The English Constitution Book Reviews

    Walter Bagehot

    The book explores the constitution of the United Kingdom, specifically the functioning of Parliament and the British monarchy and the c...

  • War of the Classes resumen del libro, reseñas

    War of the Classes Book Reviews

    Jack London

    There is described the struggle for survival by the working class in his day and age.

  • Vivencias de Etapa 2008-2012 resumen del libro, reseñas

    Vivencias de Etapa 2008-2012 Book Reviews

    Abdeslam Baraka

    La etapa 20082012 marcará profundamente la historia de la humanidad y se recordará en los próximos siglos, como un hito fundacional en el proceso de organización política, económic...

  • Countries of the World Part Ii resumen del libro, reseñas

    Countries of the World Part Ii Book Reviews

    Addison Publisher

    This eBook Covers Facts of all Countries Introduction Geographic People and Society Government Economy Energy Communications Transportation Military Transnational Issues ...

  • Essays on Political Economy resumen del libro, reseñas

    Essays on Political Economy Book Reviews

    Frédéric Bastiat

    Bastiat asserted that the only purpose of government is to defend the right of an individual to life, liberty, and property. From this definition, Bastiat concluded that the law ca...

  • Popular politics, populism	and the leaders resumen del libro, reseñas

    Popular politics, populism and the leaders Book Reviews

    Emiliana De Blasio, Matthew Hibberd & Michele Sorice

    A short essay about the relationships between popularization of politics and populism. The role of the media in the cases of Italy and UK.

  • A Letter from Iran resumen del libro, reseñas

    A Letter from Iran Book Reviews

    Mehrdad Goudarzi

    A fresh look at the events of modern time and the source of current troubles between Iran and America, issues that have far too long been ignored by the mass market American media....

  • constitucional judicatura resumen del libro, reseñas

    Constitucional judicatura Book Reviews


    temas oposición programa 2011

  • United States Documents resumen del libro, reseñas

    United States Documents Book Reviews

    US Government

    Compiled in this massive digitalized collection are over 60 landmark United States documents including: court decisions, speeches, declarations, consitutions, and acts. Accompanied...