Hearts for Rent Book Reviews

Crystal James

Hearts for Rent by Crystal James Book Summary

Hearts for Rent takes readers on a journey of life, love, and loss. The story follows six twenty somethings as they enter Julliard. J.T. has to make decisions about going to school or following his dream of being in a Broadway play. Ashleigh crosses paths with Kelso whom she falls in love with at just the sight of him. She does not find out his secret until she thinks she has run out of time.

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Book Name Hearts for Rent
Genre Romance for Young Adults
Language English
E-Book Size 202.08 KB

Hearts for Rent (Crystal James) Book Reviews 2024

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Hearts for Rent. This book is wonderful!! I finished it a few hours and was hooked right away. The characters are realistic and I love that they have problems ppl can relate to... For the most part.. READ THIS BOOK

best book ever. this is the best book ever!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read the next one

good story line w/ a lot of mistakes. -the novel would have been much better w/o all of the grammatical errors and the weird timing(s) in the plot. too much for one book, but i still read the entire story, and enjoyed it.. mostly bc of the characters (even though they were a bit over dramatic & moved way too fast)

Spoiled!. This author comes off as being incredibly ignorant. In The last few years how many people die from HIV. Come on... It's like the author did absolutely no research. The characters are over privileged, pompous, and un-relatable. They get into a highly reputable performing arts school and do not take it seriously at all. JT is one of my least favorite characters, he has a horrible attitude. The only character I liked was Kelso and he doesn't make it. This is probably the worst ebook I've read, I had to skip through most of it.

Love it!!!!. This book was great!!!!! I absolutely loved it and just could'nt put it down.

Awesome!!!. This is a very good book despite what others have to say. I absolutely loved reading this book and I can't wait to read the next!

WOAH. Such a fatntasic book. Totally cried and it really stirred up some deep emotions. One of the best books ever. I love the friends support and love for one another. Plus i noticed a sequal is coming?? When?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

No So Great. The book was ok. Overall though I wish I hadn't read it and I'll probably forget about it very soon. It's filled with petty drama. It's unrealistic and the characters are hard to relate to or even like at time. Also, it doesn't really focus on everyone evenly and leaves plot holes. The most annoying parts to me were with Ashleigh's hair. It apparently changes color by it's own free will. "He Said I looked like a brunette Jessica Simpson" to "Her blonde curls" on her wedding day. I wouldn't recommend this book. There's too much fake drama and it should've been set in middle school, not college. I don't know one college kid who fully avoids saying the word sex. But these did. In the end, I felt like they were kind of stuck up and definitely crybabies. I have a feeling that most of the people who found this book interesting were twelve and under.

LOVED IT!!!!!!!. I loved this book you really relate to the charcters and feel their emotion :)

I would give it an 8.5. It was a good book!!! Something was always happening there was never a dull moment!! It was also very sad at times!! The characters were great just hard to relate to in a general crowd!!

Fabulous story!. Though this story had lots of typos that kept catching my eye, and the writing does seem amateur, I was still swept up in the dream like story of these young adults that the author made seem so realistic. The story line was GREAT, and all the different relationships among all the characters kept the reading fresh. I can't wait to read the second one...I'm going to look up right now when it comes out. I recommend the read!

4 stars. Cute story but there were a lot of editing errors. And that kind of stuff really bothers me. Good story and I can't wait for the sequel

not good. it was way cheesy and had too many mistakes yo coint and a lot of repeats

Really Good!!. I'll have to admit, this was a pretty good book. I though it would be pretty cheesy but I found myself wanting to keep reading once i started!!! I could hardly put it down!! A good read! It will have you hooked until you finish!!

Awesome book!. I loved this book for so many reasons. First, it's about people who work in the arts (specifically musical theatre) and that is what I am going to school for so it hits close to home. Second, it is a moving love story that touched my heart and made me cry(which doesn't happen often). My only critics would be that there are quite a few grammatical errors and I wish you got a little more insight to each relationship. I counting the seconds until the next book in the series come out!!

Great Book!. This book was very sad, but was probably one of the best books I have ever read! I can't wait for a sequel!

It's disturbing to see people say this is the best book they've ever read.. The writer should have read this out loud just so she would know how bad the dialogue was in this book. No one talks that way. The phrases were trite, they seemed too dramatic about small things and every other page someone was crying. Nothing about this book was realistic ... No one falls in love so hard with a dying person after knowing them 5 minutes. A 22 year old guy, who hasn't ever had sex, isn't going to keep saying no to the girl he's known all his life after she's thrown himself at him. Someone he is supposed to love, no less! Her mood swings didn't make sense anyway. I don't think the writer knew where the story was even going. There was no follow though on anything. It would get brought up and it would be forgotten. Even the small things were pointless! What was with a scavenger hunt that didn't explain anything? Why even put that in there? They didn't even say what they were getting then they switched to a game and that was something 8th graders would play. Then the cab driver Court met but everyone hated ... point please? And did he really say, "everyone dances, just shake your bootie?" Who says bootie? I looked at the date it was written. I thought it was older because nothing about this book was recent. Today, HIV isn't necessarily a death verdict. They have medicine to help HIV and they acted as if he had no options. In the 80's they had none, but come on! It's 2012. These are college students, no one text messaged, used Skype, used Facebook or twitter. No one even spoke about what college kids do. They acted like idiots: dancing and singing in places where they wouldn't normally do that. And what was with the dean having a 10 pm curfew and being fine with 2 am simply because the students spoke? Ten was stupid anyway, but it shouldn't have been in there. And what was the point of Heidi being in the hospital? They never talked about what the doctors said and they walked out of there without anyone caring. He just put her in there. In real life he couldn't without her consent and where were her parents? Needless to say, this book was so bad that again I say, I have to wonder about anyone who says it's the best book. Obviously this is the only book they've ever read. What the writer needed was a good editor to fix this mess! The grammar was bad. She wrote that he "drug" her to the psych ward. You don't use drug... it's dragged. And they would say "you're the guy that wanted ..." It would be the guy WHO wanted! Not that. This was done every time! A guy is a who. An object is s that. This book was poorly written and poorly thought out. I'm ashamed I finished it. But it was free and I've been home sick. I think I'll stick with books that have been written by authors and not writers!

Ah-mazing!. No words! None of my words can describe how beautiful this story was and is! +100000 stars!

AWESOME!!!!. By far the best iBook I've ever read!!!! YOU MUST GET THIS BOOK!!!!!! 😄

Great book. I really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters and cannot wait for the second one. I'm hoping it will be just as good.

Soooo freakin gooood. Omg, I starting readings this book, and I finished it in two days!!! It was sad, funny and sooooooo freakin gooooood!!!!! It had sooo many twists, soo that is a reason that made me read on!!!!

LOVED IT!. I've only read 3 chapters and I already love it!

Loved it. Nuff said.. It was so good and now one of my favorite books. Definitely an attention grabber.(:

Love it!!. I loved this book so much that I finished it in 1 day!! I am not a big reader so I am very surprised I could do that!! This book is sad, romantic, and funny!! I recommend this book to all my friends and anyone that wants a good book to read!! :)

. I really loved this book. It truly spoke to me and I felt like I was reading one of those high-school drama books but with an adult twist in some parts. It made me laugh and it made me cry. Can't wait for the sequel!!

AMAZING!!!!!!. This book is AMAZING!! It should not be free.

Was this book even read?. This book was horrible. For your sake don't waist your time reading this. If it were possible to give it zero stars I would. I'm honestly shocked that all of these people are saying that this is the best book they've ever read. There were so many grammatical errors that there were several points where I couldn't understand what was going on. If the authors would have taken 5 minutes she would have easily been able to identify 80% of the typos. Not to mention the fact that it's completely unrealistic! In this day in age no one is constantly calling their friends, people have smart phones with the ability to text one another. And people also don't die of HIV so suddenly. There's medication that can help extent your life longer then what appears to be a year and a half. Also, why are all of the female characters so whiny? All they do is cry over the most ridiculous "problems". There are also a handful of little side plot pertaining to specific characters that are completely dropped. For example what happened to Ashleigh's scholarship dilemma? I thought she didn't get it so she had no way to pay for school. Apparently not, because she made it in with no mention of this problem throughout the rest of the story. And I would also really like to address another major problem that branches out into other smaller problems. Why are all of these kids that are in their early 20s getting married/ engaged without their parents being around? Parents are nowhere to be found in any part of this story. Not even in the hospital where it's completely normal for a 20 something year old to check his girlfriend into the psychiatric ward of a hospital without signing any paperwork. And this happens again when J.T literally carries a kicking and screaming Heidi out of the hospital, no questions asked. Seriously, don't read this book. It's horrendous and although I feel bad for bashing this book, the author has absolutely nothing to be proud of.

Best Book !!!!. This was one of the best books I have ever read. It made me cry and it made me laugh. I couldn't ask for a better book. I loved that friend were always with them, no matter what was happening. <3

Loved. This is the second time I've read this and I love it!! Some minor grammatical errors but beyond that the story is really excellent!

A BEAUTIFUL STORY!. It's a great book! I couldn't believe how much I loved it! I couldn't put it down! :) Cant wait for Broken Roads!

love it. it is 1 of the best books i have read!! i love it!!!!!!!

Best book ever. I love this book it's so good! This the best book I ever read.... Sad ending:( I can't wait for the sequel!! I check every day!!!

The best. This book had me laughing,crying,and wishing I was inside of it the whole time!! This book is a wonderful masterpiece and I really can not wait for the second one. This book just...i don't even have words to say. It is that wonderful. Read if you want to know what life's all about<3

Sutton. Best book ever

No good, cheesy. The book was extremely cheesy and it was nothing but people talking the entire time. I felt no emotion throughout the entire story and would not recommend this book to anyone!

Awesome. Great book it was a little hard to read towards the end my mascara acutally ran and now is all over my face

Spectacular n real!!. Omgosh i cried thru the last few chapters. I cud c n feel wat they teens were goim thru. Simply amazing!! Cant wait for the next book!!

LOVE!. This book is just absolutely amazing! It's so drama-filled and keeps you wanting more and more! DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK! This book will gaurantee make you smile, cry, and laugh. This is truly an amazing work. I'm so excited to start reading the sequel!

Wow.... Wow... This is the only word that comes to mind to describe Hearts for RENT. It's probably one of the best books I have ever read. It's full of Love and Hate. Gain and Loss. Relationships and Break Ups. Happiness and Sadness. Now if this isn't a perfect book then I don't know what is!!! I recommend this to anyone who loves books with everything inside and crying; happy and sad tears! Thank you Crystal James for writing this book and I'm just dying for the second book to come out! Hurry please!!!!!

Fantastic!. Loveddddd itttttt!

Love it so far!. Only on chapter 2 but i like it so far!

Hearts for Rent. An amazing tale that makes you feel like your part of this crazy trouble making group. If you like books you will LOVE this story!

Amazing.. It was funny nd if it made me cry, that means it was an amazing story. I loved it so much!!((:

Love<3. Sooooooooooooo, glad I chose this book! Recommending it to my choir teacher! :)

LOVE IT. I love this book!!!!!!! I can't wait until the second one comes out! When will it?

awesome ! absolutely loved it !. very best book I have read ! I loved it! <3 I could not put it down .. it was funny romantic and very sad also ... it made me cry ... STOP reading comments and START reading this book !!

Hearts for rent. This is one of the greatest books I've ever read!

ANAZING!. I loved this book!! It was fantastic! There were a lot of minor editing errors, but other than that it was one of the best books I have ever read!!!!!:)

Hearts Evicted. Honestly one of the worst books I've read. It starts out as an enjoyable read but that all changes after the third chapter or so. Most of the female characters are weak, whiny, and are constantly bursting into tears over random plot twists the author creates for the sake of having a plot. The only female character that is not continually crying is Freedom and she's hardly featured in the book at all. And as mentioned before the male characters are very unlikeable and those that are are either shoved in the background or die. I also get the feeling this author has done no research what so ever into the lifestyle students at Julliard have or how HIV works, not to mention I get the feeling this author is slightly homophobic due to the unrealistically flamboyant nature if JT's roommate. This book is very much like Twilight: Great concept yet ruined by poor writing and weak leads.

other book. does anybody know when the next book comes out?

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Hearts for rent. I don't like it. I hate the book It was to long and not at all good the thing I like was knowing there was a end to the story thanks carnt wait till number 2 Ldkdjjdmdjdjfjdjdjdjdjjfhfhfhfhffhjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjjjkjukgvkhcgkchfkchfkfhcfkhckfcg,CNN.avs cblhufs rjlhrs f Khufjksbr KJB reg Ingres IUERAGJBHLEvfjbhg,rEHLJHRFEbnkhravsj,hberfhjblfefjhbefvJlnfsv an.irsgbilhgreFer.m hbui writer may.ferh.m reGhbj.gerajbhlrefjlrera iBh

Great book!! :). This book is really good! You start to read then you cannot put it down! I can't wait for the 2nd one! :D

book. great story what happens NEXT ???

Cemetery village is much better. I think cemetery village is much better this book is not the best book I have read but if you get cemetery village you will be addicted

Hearts for rent. The book was a lot to get through but I enjoyed reading about j.t.his friends were so funny.I could not stop reading.I wish they would make another book,like a sequel or something out.I loved it.I would totally recommend this book to anyone wanting a cool story about a big problem that gets fixed and in the end it is alright.

great. so sad but so funny ashley. (cant spell the bame proply) had to go through alot so at end when the wedding pic is show. i recomend it bcoz its great

Omg. I love the prouduction rent so much and i sing seasons of love all the time thank you so much this book is amazing and i couldn't put my iPad down its that good xxxx

Hearts for rent. I utterly love this book. It had me laughing and crying and is a book I could read over and over. Brilliant written. One of the most magnificent books I have ever read. 5 Stars!

Lv it. I love this book it's so sad but still amazing is there a sequel ????

Awesome. I am almost 14 and I loved this book it covered so many topics . Yh it wasn't the most intellectual book but it was an easy read. Not the best book I have ever read but would definitely recommend it for younger teenagers

Not the best. Ok book, not the best I've read, superficial on the surface. Events and emotions that occur in the book not believable. Ok if you want to pass the time. Would recommend it for 11 year olds.

Hearts for rent. Brady, Heidi, dashelle, court, Kelso, jayson, freedom, Parker, Ashleigh and Sam make up a very intriguing and eventful book. It's a great but easy read! Very very sad But also heart warming at the end! I would have liked to have heard more from sam and Parker though

Hearts for rent. Found this book amazingly funny and couldn't put my phone down without reading the next page !! :) an exciting story about love and relationships :)  definitely worth downloading especially as it's free !! :) xxx

Review. Such a heart wrenching story. It made me laugh and cry at the same time

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Awesome. Loved it, really really sweet but hardcore. Great for a free book. I am definitely recommending it to my friends.

Drama drama drama. I know this is a book focused around musical theatre and drama kids but this was the most overly dramatic and gushy e-book I've ever read.. Too many main characters, without development. The grammar, spelling and story accuracy was appalling! Dashelle mixed up w freedom. Ashleigh went from blonde to brunette and blonde again.. I always give books a full read, just in case they redeem themselves but this was utterly predictable and was only carried by the concept behind it.

Great. Really good i loved it

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Hearts for RENT. This book guaranty to make you cry happy AND sad tears! Please please read this book!

Aweesome. Get it ;)

Hearts for rent. Amazing!!!! Defiantly worth reading, can't wait for the next book!

Good but.... This is a great book but the titles of the songs in the movie Rent r wrong. I wish the author did more research on the song titles before putting them in the book.

Love it!. When is the second coming out???

Good read, terrible writing. Not a bad read, but there are so many spelling errors, that I found myself editing it instead of reading it.

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Summary of Hearts for Rent by Crystal James

The Hearts for Rent book written by Crystal James was published on 18 January 2011, Tuesday in the Romance for Young Adults category. A total of 409 readers of the book gave the book 4 points out of 5.

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