Reseña de The Olive Tree

Lucinda Riley

The Olive Tree de Lucinda Riley Resumen del Libro

The Olive Tree is a sun-soaked story of family secrets and an unforgettable summer in Cyprus, from Lucinda Riley, international bestselling author of the Seven Sisters series.

A magical house. A momentous summer . . .

As a young woman, Helena spent a magical holiday at Pandora, a beautiful house in Cyprus – and fell in love for the first time. Now, twenty-four years later and following the loss of her godfather, she has inherited Pandora. And, though it is a crumbling shadow of its former self, Helena returns with her family to spend the summer there.

When, by chance, Helena meets her childhood sweetheart, her past threatens to collide with her present. She knows that the idyllic beauty of Pandora masks a web of secrets that she has kept from her husband and thirteen-year-old son. And that, once its secrets have been revealed, their lives will never be the same . . .

'It will whisk you away to the glorious sunshine of Cyprus' – Daily Express

** This title has been published outside the UK under the title Helena's Secret. **

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Nombre del libro The Olive Tree
Género Romance contemporáneo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 6.28 MB

The Olive Tree (Lucinda Riley) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Olive Tree E-Book

El libro The Olive Tree escrito por Lucinda Riley se publicó el jueves, 14 de julio de 2016 en la categoría Romance contemporáneo. Un total de 34 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the olive tree (6.28 MB)

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