Reseña de His Wicked Games

Ember Casey

His Wicked Games de Ember Casey Resumen del Libro

A sizzling romance from USA Today bestseller Ember Casey.

Lily Frazer would do anything to save the Frazer Center for the Arts--even take on the infamous billionaire Calder Cunningham. When Lily breaks onto the Cunningham estate, she only wants to find and reason with Calder. (All right, all right, she wants to punch him in the face, too, but that's Plan B.) As it turns out, the arrogant billionaire is willing to give her the money he promised, but there's a catch: she must win it from him.

And the games he has in mind aren't exactly... innocent.

Lily isn't about to give up the money without a fight (or let some haughty bastard seduce her), but she quickly discovers that there might be more to the brooding Calder than she initially perceived. What ensues is a competition hotter than Lily ever could have imagined, and a romance deeper than she ever could have dreamed.

But as their games of cat and mouse become increasingly intense, both are forced to face the deeper question: in games of lust and love, what is the price of victory?

Cunningham Family Reading Order:
His Wicked Games (Book 1)
Truth or Dare (Book 2)
Sweet Victory (Book 2.5)
Her Wicked Heart (Book 3)
Take You Away (Book 3.5)
Lost and Found (Book 4)
Completely (Short Story)
Their Wicked Wedding (Book 5)
A Cunningham Christmas (Book 5.5)
Their Wicked Forever (Book 6)

Additional Cunningham Family Books:
Always Wicked (companion novel)
The Cunningham Family Bonus Stories

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Nombre del libro His Wicked Games
Género Romance
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 251.31 KB

His Wicked Games (Ember Casey) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de His Wicked Games E-Book

El libro His Wicked Games escrito por Ember Casey se publicó el viernes, 7 de junio de 2013 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 66 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico his wicked games (251.31 KB)

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