Reseña de Sign of the Labrys

Margaret St. Clair

Sign of the Labrys de Margaret St. Clair Resumen del Libro

Earth was a weird and dire place after the plagues.

The few humans who survived could not bear the touch of each other; they lived in the enormous, endless caverns hacked out of the bowels of the earth for the bombs that never came.

And on one man rested the hopes of the world, though he did not know it. Sam Sewell only knew he had to journey, despite forbidding perils from the darkness of the past, into the ultimate fastnesses of the unknown to rescue the timeless wisdom of the witch Desponia . . .

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Nombre del libro Sign of the Labrys
Género Ciencia ficción
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 845.08 KB

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Comentario de Sign of the Labrys, libro de Margaret St. Clair

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Descarga de Sign of the Labrys E-Book

El libro Sign of the Labrys escrito por Margaret St. Clair se publicó el jueves, 27 de abril de 2017 en la categoría Ciencia ficción. Un total de 56 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico sign of the labrys (845.08 KB)

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