Reseña de Snow Crash

Neal Stephenson

Snow Crash de Neal Stephenson Resumen del Libro


After the Internet, what came next?

Enter the Metaverse - cyberspace home to avatars and software daemons, where anything and just about everything goes. Newly available on the Street - the Metaverse's main drag - is Snow Crash. A cyberdrug that reduces avatars in the digital world to dust, but also infects users in real life, leaving them in a vegetative state.

This is bad news for Hiro, a freelance hacker and the Metaverse's best swordfighter, and mouthy skateboard courier Y. T.. Together, investigating the Infocalypse, they trace back the roots of language itself to an ancient Sumerian priesthood and find they must race to stop a shadowy virtual villain hell-bent on world domination.

In this special edition of the remarkably prescient modern classic, Neal Stephenson explores
linguistics, computer science, politics and philosophy in the form of a break-neck adventure into the fast-approaching yet eerily recognizable future.

'Fast-forward free-style mall mythology for the twenty-first century' William Gibson

'Brilliantly realized' New York Times Book Review

'Like a Pynchon novel with the brakes removed' Washington Post

'A remarkably prescient vision of today's tech landscape' Vanity Fair

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Nombre del libro Snow Crash
Género Ciencia ficción
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 4.16 MB

Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Snow Crash E-Book

El libro Snow Crash escrito por Neal Stephenson se publicó el jueves, 27 de octubre de 1994 en la categoría Ciencia ficción. Un total de 50 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico snow crash (4.16 MB)

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