Reseña de Making Her His

Lexy Timms

Making Her His de Lexy Timms Resumen del Libro

From USA TODAY Bestselling author, Lexy Timms, comes a spin off from the Hades' Spawn MC series – Beating the Biker.

Saks' Story

Anthony Parks, AKA Saks, straddles two worlds and neither one is very reputable. By day, he's a motorcycle mechanic and Road Captain of the Hades' Spawn, a none-too-squeaky-clean motorcycle club. By night, he's the scion of an organized crime family who wants him to join the family business full time.  

Recent events with the Spawn MC have soured his community reputation, and while certain women like bad boys that's not the kind Saks is looking for. Add in pressure from his family to marry, and Saks is faced with an impossible situation. His wise-guy uncle proposes an arranged marriage between Saks and the daughter of a don from another crime family.

When he meets a mysterious blonde who shows him love at first sight is possible, he knows he can never accept his uncle's proposal. Now he has to figure out a way to tell Uncle Vits without getting excommunicated from the family or putting the Spawn in the crosshairs of a powerful crime organization.

Now if only he could find the woman who stole his heart.

 Christina's story

Christina Marie Serafina decided a long time ago that her loving but paternalistic family wasn't going to determine the course of her life. She has no desire to get mixed up in any of the illegal businesses her family owns. She's earned a Masters in Business and Communications on her own dime, and just landed her dream job as Director of Marketing for an up and coming business.

Marriage and a family aren't in her game plan right now. When her grandfather announces that he's arranged a marriage for her with a good Italian man, Christina goes ballistic. She's marrying a man of her own choosing, not some member from another crime family.

Urged by her sister to at least check the guy out, she goes to his family's bar to confirm her suspicions. Except she meets a handsome biker that knows exactly how to send her body into overdrive. Realizing the hunky man is the one her grandfather wants her to marry sends her into flight mode, even though he haunts her dreams.

Can Saks convince the woman of his dreams to look past his family connections and take a chance on a lowly motorcycle mechanic? And if he does, can he look past hers?

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Nombre del libro Making Her His
Género Romance
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 601.63 KB

Making Her His (Lexy Timms) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Making Her His E-Book

El libro Making Her His escrito por Lexy Timms se publicó el miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 138 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico making her his (601.63 KB)

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