Reseña de The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober

Catherine Gray

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober de Catherine Gray Resumen del Libro


'Not remotely preachy' - The Times

'Jaunty, shrewd and convincing' - Sunday Telegraph

'Admirably honest, light, bubbly and remarkably rarely annoying.' - Alice O'Keeffe, Guardian

'Truthful, modern and real' - Stylist

'Brave, witty and brilliantly written' - Marie Claire

Ever sworn off alcohol for a month and found yourself drinking by the 7th? Think there's 'no point' in just one drink? Welcome! There are millions of us. 64% of Brits want to drink less.

Catherine Gray was stuck in a hellish whirligig of Drink, Make horrible decisions, Hangover, Repeat. She had her fair share of 'drunk tank' jail cells and topless-in-a-hot-tub misadventures.

But this book goes beyond the binges and blackouts to deep-dive into uncharted territory: What happens after you quit drinking? This gripping, heart-breaking and witty book takes us down the rabbit-hole of an alternative reality. A life with zero hangovers, through sober weddings, sex, Christmases and breakups.

In The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, Catherine Gray shines a light on society's drink-pushing and talks to top neuroscientists and psychologists about why we drink, delving into the science behind what it does to our brains and bodies.

Much more than a tale from the netherworld of addicted drinking, this book is about the escape, and why a sober life can be more intoxicating than you ever imagined. Whether you're a hopelessly devoted drinker, merely sober-curious, or you've already ditched the drink, you will love this book.

'Haunting, admirable and enlightening' - The Pool

'A riveting, raw, yet humorous memoir with actionable advice.' - Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind

'Like listening to your best friend teach you to be sober. Lighthearted but serious, it's packed with ideas, tools, tips and, most importantly, reasons for living a sober life.'- Eric Zimmer, host of podcast The One You Feed

'Gray's fizzy writing succeeds in making this potentially boring-as-hell subject both engaging and highly seductive' - The Bookseller

'Her exquisitely crafted thoughts on the joys of being sober are not only deeply honest and pragmatic, but she manages to infuse tons of humor. This is a delightful, informative, and compelling read for all those who are sober or seeking sobriety.' - Sasha Tozzi, Huffington Post

'No other author writes about sober living with as much warmth or emotional range as Catherine Gray. Her deep insight into the subtle psychologies of drinking, and of life, means that everything she writes is both utterly relatable and stretches our minds. Hers is a rare wisdom.' - Dr Richard Piper, CEO, Alcohol Change UK

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Nombre del libro The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober
Género Salud y forma física
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.24 MB

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Descarga de The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober E-Book

El libro The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober escrito por Catherine Gray se publicó el jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017 en la categoría Salud y forma física. Un total de 166 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the unexpected joy of being sober (3.24 MB)

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