Reseña de His Mission

Lexy Timms

His Mission de Lexy Timms Resumen del Libro

After Protecting Diana, follow Liam as he does his best to try and protect Layla - from the present, her past, and their future.

He worked Special Forces until the night when he lost control. That night is one he's banished from his thoughts, pretending it never happened and forcing a happy-go-lucky demeanor to keep the painful memories at bay. Liam knows he can never settle down, not with the darkness inside him, so he makes due with a series of one night stands. Until he meets Sova, whose real name is Layla, and who just happens to be his best friend's ex. Someone who went missing and assumed died back when they were in high school. Now she's back on the scene and he can't take his eyes off of her.

Sova must block out the life she led before, just like she must forget her dreams of being rescued by Ethan, her high school sweetheart who just rejected her for his new fiancée. Now she's back home from Eastern Europe after being in the clutches of a cruel human trafficker for a decade. How can she adjust to her old life as Layla, especially since the only man she's ever loved now loves another? And what about the way Ethan's best friend make her feel when he pins her with his smoldering gaze?

Can the heat the boils between them be sustained, or will it destroy them? Can they get over their nightmare pasts and build a future together?

Protecting Layla Series:

His Mission

His Objective

His Devotion

Protecting Diana Series:

Her Bodyguard

Her Defender

Her Champion

Her Protector

Her Forever

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Nombre del libro His Mission
Género Romance
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.97 MB

His Mission (Lexy Timms) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de His Mission E-Book

El libro His Mission escrito por Lexy Timms se publicó el lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 62 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico his mission (1.97 MB)

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