Reseña de Intelligent Urban Planning

Bruce Mackenzie

Intelligent Urban Planning de Bruce Mackenzie Resumen del Libro

Where Skilled Design Teams can provide the answers…

the discussion identifies large and congested cities but identifies Sydney Australia as the basic model. Intelligent Urban Planning does take place - but not as consistently as we would desire. Intelligent in this case means…skilled architectural design applied to compact housing with appropriate density achieved, and relationship to transport services determined - including especially, public transport. Landscape design applied, and neighbourhood convenience defined. In addition there is the overall question of  public transport in the city and suburbs…and expanding the public transport network is crucial within the motorway system and elsewhere.

The basic premise of this article is to identify the following items that are so often written about but never in a convincing way…the low density sprawl, once the Australian Dream to own your own home and enjoy the generous spaces available, no longer applies. Living now with the intensity of urban life and to face an uncertain future, with congested traffic to become only worse. And an inadequacy of public transport that could otherwise make a difference - is as yet, never quite enough.

Given the extravagance of our low density sprawl, which to some extent still occurs, leads to a metropolitan area that is now an embarrassment to our city planning and the move towards a more integrated housing pattern is essential for our future circumstances. 

It must happen with inspired planning and design for all people.

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Nombre del libro Intelligent Urban Planning
Género Arte y arquitectura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 93.39 MB

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Descarga de Intelligent Urban Planning E-Book

El libro Intelligent Urban Planning escrito por Bruce Mackenzie se publicó el miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019 en la categoría Arte y arquitectura. Un total de 176 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico intelligent urban planning (93.39 MB)

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