Reseña de Ancient Roman Architecture

Diana Vilas & Oscar Rodriguez

Ancient Roman Architecture de Diana Vilas & Oscar Rodriguez Resumen del Libro

As an iconic-literary subject matter, visual works have an indispensable place in the history of art. This work underscores the educational potential that new technologies offer us, not only to display artistic objects, but also to reproduce the historical account and promote the interactive participation of the reader through the new three-dimensional reconstructions, unique combinations of planimetry and elevation, and an entire wide-ranging set of activities to begin reading architectural language such as formal vocabulary and design of significant spaces.  

The greatest originality in Roman art can be found in its architectural revolution which, without neglecting the attractive exterior solutions, developed a genuinely spatial conception of vast interiors, thereby conceiving a spatial architecture as opposed to the plastic architecture of the Greeks. In this volume from a new generation of books about the history of art for the new digital culture media, we will address the material and tectonic foundations of the Roman architectural revolution, and we will explore the versatility that allows it to display a wide typological diversity with an effective functional conception that Romanizes the scenery of the empire as an instrument of civilization and proclaims Roman rule in the context of urban life.

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Nombre del libro Ancient Roman Architecture
Género Arte y arquitectura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 190.75 MB

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Descarga de Ancient Roman Architecture E-Book

El libro Ancient Roman Architecture escrito por Diana Vilas & Oscar Rodriguez se publicó el martes, 11 de agosto de 2015 en la categoría Arte y arquitectura. Un total de 108 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico ancient roman architecture (190.75 MB)

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