Reseña de The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White

Natalia Pater Ejgierd

The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White de Natalia Pater Ejgierd Resumen del Libro

E-book The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White is the first part of the series entitled Secrets of Wielkopolska, which tells about interesting, sometimes mysterious places of Wielkopolska Greater Poland). All parts of the series will create a kind of trail, which will allow you to travel through Wielkopolska region both virtually and in real life. In the Mysterious Disappearance of the Lady in White, four children are accidentally found in the Castle in Kórnik, where they are confronted with a magical dimension of portraits' life. 
Reading the e-book, the children learn about the history of the Castle and its inhabitants. They find out that ordinary reality can be more interesting than computer games, and holidays spent without mobile phones from the nightmare of a modern child turn into an exciting adventure.

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Nombre del libro The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White
Género Misterio para niños
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 37.92 MB

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The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White Libros Similares

Descarga de The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White E-Book

El libro The mysterious disappearance of The Lady in White escrito por Natalia Pater Ejgierd se publicó el viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019 en la categoría Misterio para niños. Un total de 132 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the mysterious disappearance of the lady in white (37.92 MB)

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