Reseña de The Last Graduate

Naomi Novik

The Last Graduate de Naomi Novik Resumen del Libro

Sequel to the Sunday Times bestselling and Lodestar award-nominated A Deadly Education

'The dark school of magic I have been waiting for' Katherine Arden, author of The Bear and the Nightingale

'Fantasy that delights on every level' Stephanie Garber, author of Caraval

Return to the Scholomance - and face an even deadlier graduation - in the stunning sequel to the ground-breaking, Sunday Times bestselling A Deadly Education.

The dark school of magic has always done its best to devour its students, but now that El has reached her final year -- and somehow won herself a handful of allies along the way -- it's suddenly developed a very particular craving . . .

For her.

As the savagery of the school ramps up, El is determined that she will not give in; not to the mals, not to fate, and especially not to the Scholomance. But as the spectre of graduation looms -- the deadly final ritual that leaves few students alive -- if she and her allies are to make it out, El will need to realise that sometimes winning the game means throwing out all the rules.

Wry, witty, endlessly inventive, and mordantly funny -- yet with a true depth and fierce justice at its heart -- this enchanting novel reminds us that there are far more important things than mere survival.

A Deadly Education, Sunday Times bestseller - October 2020

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Nombre del libro The Last Graduate
Género Ciencia ficción y fantasía
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.66 MB

The Last Graduate (Naomi Novik) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Last Graduate E-Book

El libro The Last Graduate escrito por Naomi Novik se publicó el martes, 28 de septiembre de 2021 en la categoría Ciencia ficción y fantasía. Un total de 82 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the last graduate (1.66 MB)

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