Reseña de The Book of Life

Deborah Harkness

The Book of Life de Deborah Harkness Resumen del Libro

*NOW A MAJOR SKY TV SERIES. Read the novel Season 3 is based on.*


Fall deeper under the spell of Diana and Matthew in this phenomenal third instalment of their epic tale, following A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and SHADOW OF NIGHT.

A world of witches, daemons and vampires.
A manuscript which holds the secrets of their past and the key to their future.
Diana and Matthew - the forbidden love at the heart of it.

After travelling through time in SHADOW OF NIGHT, the second book in Deborah Harkness's enchant­ing series, historian and witch Diana Bishop and vampire scientist Matthew Clairmont return to the present to face new crises and old enemies.

At Matthew's ancestral home in France they reunite with their families - with one heart-breaking exception. But the real threat to their future is yet to be revealed, and when it is, the search for the elusive manuscript Ashmole 782 and its missing pages takes on a terrifying urgency.

Using ancient knowl­edge and modern science, from the palaces of Venice and beyond, Diana and Matthew will finally learn what the witches discovered so many centuries ago.



'Rich, thrilling . . . captivating' E L James

'Intelligent and off-the-wall' The Sunday Times

'Rich in arcane detail, fans will relish this exotic cauldron of romantic fantasy' Sunday Mirror

'I could lose myself in here and never want to come out' Manda Scott

'A bubbling cauldron of illicit desire' Daily Mail

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Nombre del libro The Book of Life
Género Fantasía
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.74 MB

The Book of Life (Deborah Harkness) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Book of Life E-Book

El libro The Book of Life escrito por Deborah Harkness se publicó el martes, 15 de julio de 2014 en la categoría Fantasía. Un total de 146 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 4.5 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the book of life (2.74 MB)

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