Reseña de American History Through a Whiskey Glass

Harris Cooper

American History Through a Whiskey Glass de Harris Cooper Resumen del Libro

Experience American history like never before with this unique, informative, and fun guide for history buffs, whiskey enthusiasts, folks who like to cook at home, and fans of popular music.

American History Through a Whiskey Glass presents a unique perspective on American history. It describes how bourbon and rye whiskey played a role in the most important events in American history, including the voyage of the Mayflower, George Washington’s failed and successful political campaigns, the Civil War, pioneers moving west, Prohibition (of course), plus many more into the twenty-first century. It does so with descriptions of historical events but also with amusing anecdotes and humorous quotes from the historical figures themselves. The book carefully aligns five elements:
• a narrative about whiskey’s role in eight periods of American history
• descriptions and tasting notes for American whiskeys that represent distilled spirits in each historical period
• tutorials on how whiskey is produced and its numerous varieties
• period-specific food recipes drawn mostly from historical cookbooks
• playlists of the popular music during each period

The book gives readers an integrated and entertaining perspective on popular culture in America at different times, revealing how Americans have politicked, drank their native spirits, ate, and sang. But it does more; readers will not only learn about America’s history, they can experience it through numerous illustrations, whiskey tasting, food, and music. It provides an opportunity for readers to be involved in a truly immersive approach to life-long learning . . . and it’s fun.

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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 20.34 MB

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Descarga de American History Through a Whiskey Glass E-Book

El libro American History Through a Whiskey Glass escrito por Harris Cooper se publicó el martes, 29 de junio de 2021 en la categoría Bebidas. Un total de 72 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico american history through a whiskey glass (20.34 MB)

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