Reseña de The Woman in the Middle

Milly Johnson

The Woman in the Middle de Milly Johnson Resumen del Libro


Shay Bastable is the woman in the middle. She is part of the sandwich generation – caring for her parents and her children, supporting her husband Bruce, holding them all together and caring for them as best she can.
Then the arrival of a large orange skip on her mother’s estate sets in motion a cataclysmic series of events which leads to the collapse of Shay’s world. She is forced to put herself first for a change.
But in order to move forward with her present, Shay needs to make sense of her past. And so she returns to the little village she grew up in, to uncover the truth about what happened to her when she was younger. And in doing so, she discovers that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to find the only way is up.

Praise for The Woman in the Middle:

'An unputdownable tale of redemption and hard-won wisdom, this is a book that speaks for us all wherever we are in our lives.  Milly Johnson always delivers an absolutely cracking read' Katie Fforde
‘The main characters are wise, loveable and so relatable. The humour is down to earth, the emotions are real and the storyline compelling. No one else writes quite like Milly and, with The Woman in the Middle, she has produced yet another winner’’  Jill Mansell
'Written from the heart ... honest, inspirational and great fun ... I loved it' Janie Millman
'This book is delicious. As moreish as a freshly made sandwich, full of your favourite filling. It's well worth the wait and joyous to bite into' Jo Thomas
 ‘Immensely relatable, tender and wise; Milly’s magic sparkles from every page’ Cathy Bramley
‘A complex family drama with a big heart, a light touch and lots of surprises’ Veronica Henry
'The perfect pick-me-up that you won't be able to put down. I loved it' Matt Dunn

Praise for Milly Johnson:
‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson
'Every time you discover a new Milly book, it’s like finding a pot of gold' heat
'A glorious, heartfelt novel' Rowan Coleman
‘Absolutely loved it. Milly's writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath. I was rooting for Bonnie from the start' Jane Fallon
‘Bursting with warmth and joie de vivre’ Jill Mansell

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Nombre del libro The Woman in the Middle
Género Romance contemporáneo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 11.71 MB

The Woman in the Middle (Milly Johnson) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Woman in the Middle E-Book

El libro The Woman in the Middle escrito por Milly Johnson se publicó el jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021 en la categoría Romance contemporáneo. Un total de 40 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the woman in the middle (11.71 MB)

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