Reseña de Resisting the Bad Boy

Violet Duke

Resisting the Bad Boy de Violet Duke Resumen del Libro

He’s the ruthless lawyer with a not-so-little black book, and one simple rule as unyielding as his heart: Nothing more than a month.

She’s the doctoral student helping to raise his niece. His brother’s best friend. And the valium for his soul he had no business wanting.

To be fair, she did ask him for advice—on what she could do to stop being ‘the nice girl’ for a little bit. All he did was answer truthfully: “Try something new that excites you.”

…Preferably him.

The first book of the Sullivan Brothers "Nice Girl Trilogy” that began the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling CAN'T RESIST series.

"A fast-paced, heartfelt, and fun read!" -- #1 NYT Bestselling Author Lauren Blakely

"This book gave me one of the worst (or best) book hangovers I've had in a LONG time. I absolutely LOVED it." -- Mama's Reading Break

NOTE TO READERS: This is Book #1 in a three-part 600-pg SERIAL (also available as a bundled box set). Each book in the trilogy has a separate story arc in the greater love triangle, and need to be read in order. Book #4 (the other brother's happily ever after) is a standalone novel that can be read on its own.

BOOK 1: RESISTING the Bad Boy*
BOOK 2: FALLING for the Good Guy*
BOOK 3: CHOOSING the Right Man*
BOOK 4: FINDING the Right Girl

*Also available as a three-book bundle -- the Nice Girl trilogy boxed set

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Tamaño del e-libro 3.38 MB

Resisting the Bad Boy (Violet Duke) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Resisting the Bad Boy E-Book

El libro Resisting the Bad Boy escrito por Violet Duke se publicó el jueves, 11 de abril de 2013 en la categoría Contemporánea. Un total de 16 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico resisting the bad boy (3.38 MB)

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