Reseña de Energize

Simon Alexander Ong

Energize de Simon Alexander Ong Resumen del Libro

Winner of the 2023 Business Book Award for Wellness and Wellbeing

'This book is exactly what we need in this moment. With so many pulls and strains and stresses, Simon offers us simple steps for every one of us to indeed energize!' Simon Sinek, optimist and New York Times bestselling author of Start With Why

'Learning how to manage your energy changes your life. Don't just read this book, do it!' Marie Forleo, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Everything is Figureoutable

Your energy is everything: it is the fuel that drives your success and it gives you the power to achieve your potential. So how can you be your best self if you're always tired, stressed and burnt out?

In Energize, award-winning life coach Simon Alexander Ong introduces you to the art and science of energy management. In a world where we are always on, Ong coaches you to work with your natural energy resources to recognize your most energized state - when to push and when to recoup - so that you can work sustainably towards your biggest goals.

You'll learn how to:
- Speak less and listen more
- Stop treating your health as a side hustle
- Silence your inner critic and listen to your inner guide instead
- Progress faster by saying no to the activities that are holding you back

You'll hear from Ong's clients who have used his transformational method to achieve what they never thought they could. You'll learn how to use his practical framework to identify your most productive phases of the day, week and year, and learn how to make the most of them. You'll discover how to create boundaries and devote your energy in the right way and to the right people. And you'll master simple practices that you can build into your day to revitalize and preserve your energy levels so that you're ready for anything.

It's time to find out what you can achieve when you feel energized.

'Thoughtfully written and incredibly researched, Energize will change the way you view energy in and around you. Simon provides practical advice to help you achieve your full potential in every area of your life. Exceptional!' Dr Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and author of New York Times bestselling author of Triggers

'Learning how to energize ourselves is key to being happy and successful' Shaa Wasmund MBE, author of How to Fix Your Sh*t

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Energize (Simon Alexander Ong) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Energize E-Book

El libro Energize escrito por Simon Alexander Ong se publicó el jueves, 21 de abril de 2022 en la categoría Autoayuda. Un total de 142 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico energize (3.7 MB)

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