Reseña de Younger You

Dr Kara Fitzgerald

Younger You de Dr Kara Fitzgerald Resumen del Libro

Based on the groundbreaking study that shaved three years off a subjects' age in just eight weeks, discover a proven, accessible plan to prevent diseases and reduce your biological age.

It's true: getting older is inevitable and your chronological age can only move in one direction. But you also have a biological age, which scientists can measure by assessing how your genes are expressed through epigenetics. Exciting new research shows that your bio age can actually move in reverse-and Dr. Kara Fitzgerald's groundbreaking, rigorous clinical trial proved it's possible. By eating delicious foods and establishing common-sense lifestyle practices that positively influence genetic expression, study participants reduced their bio age by just over three years in only eight weeks!
Now Dr. Fitzgerald shares the diet and lifestyle plan that shows you how to influence your epigenetics for a younger you. In Younger You you'll learn:

- It's not your genetics that determines your age and level of health, it's your epigenetics
- How DNA methylation powerfully influences your epigenetic expression
- The foods and lifestyle choices that most affect DNA methylation
- Simple swaps to your daily routines that will add years to your life
- The full eating and lifestyle program, with recipes and meal plans, to reduce your bio age and increase vitality
- How to take care of your epigenetic expression at every life stage, from infancy through midlife and your later decades

We don't have to accept a descent into disease and unwellness as we age as inevitable: when you reduce bio age you reduce your odds of developing all the major diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and dementia. With assessment tools for determining your bio age, recipes, and plans for putting it all into practice,Younger You helps you repair years of damage, ward off chronic disease, and optimize your health-for years to come.

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Nombre del libro Younger You
Género Salud y forma física
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 6.86 MB

Younger You (Dr Kara Fitzgerald) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Younger You E-Book

El libro Younger You escrito por Dr Kara Fitzgerald se publicó el martes, 18 de enero de 2022 en la categoría Salud y forma física. Un total de 118 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico younger you (6.86 MB)

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