Reseña de Darker than Night

Tom Henderson

Darker than Night de Tom Henderson Resumen del Libro

In the bitter cold of 1985, two buddies embark on a hunting trip from suburban Detroit to rural Michigan, unaware they would soon become the hunted.

Darker than Night tells the chilling true story of the mystery that haunted a community and baffled the police for two decades.

The eerie silence surrounding their sudden disappearance is broken after nearly two decades when a relentless investigator inspires a terrified witness to break her silence. The witness narrates a haunting scene that had unfolded years back, pointing fingers at the prime suspects–the Duvall brothers.

With no bodies unearthed, the justice system is riveted by the startling revelations during an electrifying trial in 2003. The brothers, Raymond and Donald Duvall, had bragged about the murders, evocatively explaining how they dismembered their victims and fed them to pigs. Despite the shocking confession, the case holds its ground purely on a single witness's account, taking the courtroom through a labyrinth of dark secrets and sinister acts.

This gripping thriller presents a vivid tale of crime that reveals the devastating power of evil.

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Nombre del libro Darker than Night
Género Crímenes reales
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 861.27 KB

Darker than Night (Tom Henderson) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Darker than Night, libro de Tom Henderson

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Descarga de Darker than Night E-Book

El libro Darker than Night escrito por Tom Henderson se publicó el martes, 3 de octubre de 2006 en la categoría Crímenes reales. Un total de 156 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico darker than night (861.27 KB)

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