Reseña de Texas and Pacific Railway Company v. Abilene Cotton Oil Company

Supreme Court of the United States

Texas and Pacific Railway Company v. Abilene Cotton Oil Company de Supreme Court of the United States Resumen del Libro

The oil company, the defendant in error, sued to recover $1,951.83. It was alleged that on shipments of carloads of cotton seed made in September and October, 1901, over the line of the defendants road from various points in Louisiana east of Alexandria, in that State, to Abilene, Texas, the carrier had exacted, over the protest of the oil company, on the delivery of the cotton seed, the payment of an unjust and unreasonable rate, which exceeded in the aggregate, by the sum sued for, a just and reasonable charge. There were, moreover, averments that the rate exacted was discriminatory, constituted an undue preference, and amounted to charging more for a shorter than for a longer haul. Besides a general traverse, the railway company defended on the ground that the shipments were interstate, and were, therefore, covered by the act of Congress to regulate commerce. It was averred that as the rate complained of was the one fixed in the rate

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Descarga de Texas and Pacific Railway Company v. Abilene Cotton Oil Company E-Book

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