Reseña de Sea Scoundrel

Annette Blair

Sea Scoundrel de Annette Blair Resumen del Libro

Lady Patience Kendall crossed the sea to marry, but her intended died before she arrived in America.

Penniless and stranded, she found a risky way to get home: Charge several rich Colonials to take their daughters to England and find them rich, titled husbands.

Only at ship's departure did she realize every motherwanted her daughter towed the same man, the Marquess of Andover. She’d surely be able to get an introduction.

On the journey, Captain Grant St. Benedict was anything but friendly. Just because her girls caused a few mishaps aboard ship?

Grant had never met a woman more irritating, or more desirable, than the Lady Patience Kendall. But however dangerous his interest, he couldn’t resist teaching the delicious distraction that independence was nothing to passion. A history of SEA SCOUNDREL: In 1999, the book, LADY PATIENCE, needed to be cut in half to fit the Precious Gem Line for Kensington Publishing. Now, here in its full award-winning, uncut glory for the first time is the story of the Sea Captain and his Lady.

Review Quotes for SEA SCOUNDREL:

“The love story between the Captain and his lady is simply marvelous. The dialogue is witty and the girls’ shipboard antics will have you laughing out loud. Don’t miss this one.” Suzanne Coleburn, The Belles & Beaux of Romance 

“This lighthearted romance interlaced with humorous, zany, shipboard antics, charming repartee, matchmaking, and sensual love scenes, will delight any lover of historical romance.” Sofia, Calico Trails Review

“Ms. Blair's writing is as smooth as a fine Kentucky bourbon. Sexy ... fun ... top notch entertainment. ” Debbie, Romance Reader at Heart

1997 RWA Golden Heart Finalist 
1991 A Heart of the Rockies Award 
1991 A Dallas Area Romance Authors Award

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Nombre del libro Sea Scoundrel
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 685.79 KB

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El libro Sea Scoundrel escrito por Annette Blair se publicó el domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 4 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico sea scoundrel (685.79 KB)

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