Reseña de The Kiss of a Viscount

Linda Rae Sande

The Kiss of a Viscount de Linda Rae Sande Resumen del Libro

A kiss is just a kiss ... or is it?

Having just inherited his uncle’s viscountcy, George Bennett-Jones is informed by his mistress that he must find a bride, preferably the daughter of an aristocrat. Through a series of lessons, she instructs George on the finer points of meeting and courting a woman of the ton—and she has one in mind for him. 

It’s love at first sight when George spies Lady Elizabeth Carlington dancing with the Earl of Trenton. But the auburn-haired beauty is quite sure the earl will offer for her hand, and she has every intention of accepting—even if his kiss has her feeling as if she were being kissed by her best friend’s dog! 

When Elizabeth mentions the unfortunate kiss during the ball’s supper, George implies there is an art to kissing, innocently offering to replace her poor first impression with a proper kiss. Intrigued, and unaware that George is a viscount and a secret patron of her charity, Elizabeth accepts his offer at the next ball. George is more than happy to accommodate her. His kiss has the daughter of a marquess so stunned, so amazed and so aroused, she makes another rather unexpected request, one that gives George a chance against the blond-haired, blue-eyed Earl of Trenton . 

Will the evening he has planned for Elizabeth convince her to accept his hand in marriage? Or simply leave her with a vivid memory of what she will be missing if she accepts the earl’s marriage proposal? The lessons of a mistress prove invaluable in "The Kiss of a Viscount".

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Descarga de The Kiss of a Viscount E-Book

El libro The Kiss of a Viscount escrito por Linda Rae Sande se publicó el martes, 12 de marzo de 2013 en la categoría Histórica. Un total de 2 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the kiss of a viscount (2.14 MB)

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