Reseña de The Kingdom of Sweets

Erika Johansen

The Kingdom of Sweets de Erika Johansen Resumen del Libro

'Captures the whimsical nature of Tchaikovsky’s ballet, whilst at the same time exploring a more sinister thread . . . dark in spirit and gothic in its atmosphere, this is The Nutcracker as you’ve never known it.' CULTUREFLY

Light and dark - this is the destiny placed upon Natasha and Clara, the birthright bestowed on them by their godfather, the mysterious sorcerer Drosselmeyer. Clara, the favourite, grows into beauty and ease, while Natasha is cursed to live in her sister's shadow. But one fateful Christmas Eve, Natasha gets her chance at revenge. For Drosselmeyer has returned and brought with him the Nutcracker, an enchanted present which offers entry to a deceptively beautiful world: the Kingdom of Sweets.

In this land of snow and sugar, Natasha is presented with a power far greater than Drosselmeyer: the Sugar Plum Fairy, who is also a giver of gifts . . . and a maker of dread-filled bargains. As Natasha uncovers the dark destiny laid before her birth, she must reckon with powers both earthly and magical . . . and decide to which world she truly belongs.

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Nombre del libro The Kingdom of Sweets
Género Cuentos de hadas, fábulas y leyendas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.06 MB

The Kingdom of Sweets (Erika Johansen) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Kingdom of Sweets E-Book

El libro The Kingdom of Sweets escrito por Erika Johansen se publicó el jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2023 en la categoría Cuentos de hadas, fábulas y leyendas. Un total de 92 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the kingdom of sweets (3.06 MB)

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