Reseña de Scarlet Angel Collection

C.A. Wilke

Scarlet Angel Collection de C.A. Wilke Resumen del Libro

All three books in 'Scarlet Angel', a series of science fiction novels by C.A. Wilke, now available in one volume!

Scarlet Angel: Scarlett must confront a suppressed memory that leads her on a dangerous mission to uncover a forgotten past. As she delves into the dark underworld of corporate espionage and organized crime, Scarlett finds herself facing hired killers and dangerous adversaries. With the lives of her friends at stake, Scarlett is forced to question whether becoming a monster herself is worth the price of stopping them.

Scarlet Raven: Scarlett's hope for a normal life is shattered when she becomes embroiled in a battle for a new nanite technology that rogue shadow-military units and world governments are fighting to control. As she fights to protect those she cares about, she discovers the harsh truth about humanity's future and her own involvement. Will Scarlett's efforts as the Scarlet Angel be enough to protect everything she loves, or will the cost be too great?

Scarlet Phoenix: Hunted by the government and pursued by a paramilitary organization, Scarlet wakes up on the moon with no memory of the past six years. But even without her alter ego, she quickly discovers that the nanites have made her stronger, faster, and much more dangerous. With Earth in peril, Scarlett must embrace her newfound abilities to save the planet before it's too late.

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Nombre del libro Scarlet Angel Collection
Género Relatos de ciencia ficción
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.39 MB

Scarlet Angel Collection (C.A. Wilke) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Scarlet Angel Collection E-Book

El libro Scarlet Angel Collection escrito por C.A. Wilke se publicó el martes, 18 de abril de 2023 en la categoría Relatos de ciencia ficción. Un total de 134 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico scarlet angel collection (2.39 MB)

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