Reseña de The Health Habit

Dr. Amantha Imber

The Health Habit de Dr. Amantha Imber Resumen del Libro

Are you trapped in a cycle of unhealthy habits? You are not alone - we all have unique barriers that get in the way of making permanent changes to our health.

In The Health Habit, psychologist Dr Amantha Imber steps away from the one-size-fits-all approach and brings together:

- The specific psychological barriers stopping you from achieving better health.
- Cutting-edge research into what we should eat, how to get fit, and how to sleep better, by professors at institutions including Harvard and Oxford, plus health experts such as Dr Norman Swan, Dr Layne Norton and Jessie Inchauspé.
- The latest behavioural science that helps us make these changes stick for good.
- An easy method to create your own personalised and actionable plan to change your habits.

Amantha also shares how she overcame her own health battles. From sugar addiction, a haphazard approach to exercise and diet, and chronic insomnia, she kicked her need for sugar, can now leg press three times her own body weight, and gets eight hours of sleep almost every night. She wasn't born with more willpower than the rest of us but used her knowledge of behavioural psychology to hack her way to better and healthier habits.

Packed with bite-sized advice, The Health Habit is for anybody stuck repeating the same habits and looking for practical solutions that will transform their health for good.

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Nombre del libro The Health Habit
Género Salud, mente y cuerpo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.22 MB

The Health Habit (Dr. Amantha Imber) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Health Habit E-Book

El libro The Health Habit escrito por Dr. Amantha Imber se publicó el martes, 9 de enero de 2024 en la categoría Salud, mente y cuerpo. Un total de 164 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the health habit (2.22 MB)

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