Reseña de Take the Monkeys and Run

Karen Cantwell

Take the Monkeys and Run de Karen Cantwell Resumen del Libro

Film lover Barbara Marr is a typical suburban mom living the typical suburban life in her sleepy little town of Rustic Woods. Typical that is, until she sets out to find the missing link between a bizarre monkey sighting in her yard and the bone chilling middle-of-the-night fright fest at the strangely vacant house next door. When Barb talks her two friends into some seemingly innocent Charlie's Angels-like sleuthing, they stumble upon way more than they bargained for and uncover a piece of neighborhood history that certain people would kill to keep on the cutting room floor

"This fun if light novel's quippy, hilarious character, Barbara Marr, has so much warmth and genuine gumption, you'd certainly want her on your criminal investigative team." - Publishers Weekly

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Nombre del libro Take the Monkeys and Run
Género Mujeres detectives
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.24 MB

Take the Monkeys and Run (Karen Cantwell) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Take the Monkeys and Run, libro de Karen Cantwell

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Descarga de Take the Monkeys and Run E-Book

El libro Take the Monkeys and Run escrito por Karen Cantwell se publicó el sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013 en la categoría Mujeres detectives. Un total de 134 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico take the monkeys and run (1.24 MB)

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