Reseña de Merely Magic

Patricia Rice

Merely Magic de Patricia Rice Resumen del Libro

“Patricia Rice employs wicked wit and sizzling sensuality to turn the battle of the sexes into a magical romp." -Mary Jo Putney, NYT Bestselling author

Can a cynical scientist and an illogical enchantress find happiness?

Lady Ninian Malcolm Siddons, a healer and herbalist, has dedicated her life to the welfare of her ancestral Northumberland village. Both her class and calling have isolated her from companionship and love. But according to legend, her beloved village cannot thrive without a magical Malcolm in residence.
Drogo Ives, Earl of Ives and Wystan, cares only for honor, science, and reason--unlike his unruly brothers and the illogical and untrustworthy female of the species. Love and marriage are two unknowns he has no desire to explore.  His married brother can inherit. 
But fate and Drogo’s meddling stepsister bring Drogo and Ninian together for one night...with shattering consequences. Having dealt with the inconvenient result of his father’s bastards, Drogo has vowed to marry any woman who carries his child—and now the irresistible Ninian does. Only, the last time a Malcolm married an Ives, disaster destroyed Wystan and both their families. With all the odds against them, can they find a place where science and mystery meet, and build a bridge into a future where love saves both their families and their homes?

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Nombre del libro Merely Magic
Género Romance paranormal
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.35 MB

Merely Magic (Patricia Rice) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Merely Magic, libro de Patricia Rice

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Descarga de Merely Magic E-Book

El libro Merely Magic escrito por Patricia Rice se publicó el viernes, 14 de julio de 2000 en la categoría Romance paranormal. Un total de 150 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico merely magic (3.35 MB)

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