Reseña de Blue Clouds

Patricia Rice

Blue Clouds de Patricia Rice Resumen del Libro

New York Times bestselling author Patricia Rice brings you her award-winning tale of love and mystery: “Absolutely stunning... Rice gives us everything we could want in this ‘to keep forever’—love, mystery, and adventure... Fantastic.” Bell, Book ,and Candle Pippa Cochran flees an abusive boyfriend only to end up working for a man everyone calls the Grim Reaper—and not just because he’s a bestselling author of horror novels. Fame and fortune are cold comfort for Seth Wyatt, a man whose inner demons have him living on a volatile precipice—even before someone tries to murder him. An indefatigable caretaker, Pippa isn’t prepared to battle both her employer and his enemies. Still, she can’t resist the emotional pull of Seth’s damaged son or the opportunity to hide in the fortress he calls home. Pippa’s new-found security is destroyed when she and Seth are the victims of several near-fatal accidents. To prevent harm to those she’s come to love, must she run again? Can Seth ask her to stay when it could mean one of them might die? REVIEWS: The Romantic Reader: "You can always count on Patricia Rice for an entertaining story with just the right mix of romance, humor, and emotion." Rendezvous: "A wickedly luscious novel filled with scintillating dialogue, madcap characters, and a premise that shows what true romance is all about. With her superb talent, Ms. Rice pens remarkable tales that come across the pages in whatever genre she writes." Romantic Times: "Vastly entertaining...A wonderful combination of poignancy and humor." Library Journal "(A) romance that snares the reader right from the start."

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Nombre del libro Blue Clouds
Género Romance
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.29 MB

Blue Clouds (Patricia Rice) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Blue Clouds, libro de Patricia Rice

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Descarga de Blue Clouds E-Book

El libro Blue Clouds escrito por Patricia Rice se publicó el viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 52 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico blue clouds (3.29 MB)

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