Reseña de iStage 2 EN


iStage 2 EN de Science-On-Stage Resumen del Libro

Smartphones in Science Teaching” started with a network meeting at the Science on Stage festival in Słubice, Poland, in April 2013. After the coordinators’ meeting in Dortmund, Germany, in July 2013 and an initial workshop with 20 participants from 14 European countries in Vienna in October 2013, the participants started to develop the teaching units and content of this brochure. From November 2013 to April 2014 the exchange between the participants was continued via e-mail and moodle. A second workshop took place in Berlin in May 2014, and the final presentation of this brochure was in December 2014. This kind of personal exchange between teachers over such distances is unique.
Of course, when only 20 European teachers from 14 different countries develop teaching material within a limited timeframe, the result will be a limited number of examples. Most of the ideas already exist somewhere in Europe, and you can find some of them in one form or other in articles in professional journals. Moreover, there are many more ideas around than the ones presented here. What is special here, however, is the process of bringing them together. It is hard to find material made by teachers from so many different countries for teachers in Europe, but we have successfully created it again.

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Nombre del libro iStage 2 EN
Género Tecnología educativa
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 803.05 MB

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Descarga de iStage 2 EN E-Book

El libro iStage 2 EN escrito por Science-On-Stage se publicó el jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014 en la categoría Tecnología educativa. Un total de 74 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico istage 2 en (803.05 MB)

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