Reseña de Enchanting The Duke

Patricia Grasso

Enchanting The Duke de Patricia Grasso Resumen del Libro

She doesn’t want a guardian . . .
Lady Isabelle Montgomery wants to be left alone to play her flute and talk to Giselle, the guardian angel only she can see. Because Isabelle manages her brother’s estate finances, her greedy stepmother and selfish stepsisters continually harass her for fancy clothes and a season in London. For reasons she refuses to share, Isabelle has no desire to go to London. Unexpectedly, the Duke of Avon announces that he is her temporary guardian while her brother, the Earl of Stratford, has gone abroad. This complication annoys Isabelle who thinks the duke is thoroughly irritating. So why can’t she stop thinking about him? And why does Giselle keep telling her about a dark prince?
He doesn’t want a ward . . .
John Saint-Germain, the Duke of Avon, wants nothing to do with wards or stepfamilies. The duke suffered a moment’s weakness and promised the earl that he would watch over his sister, including sponsoring Isabelle and her stepsisters into society. And then John meets his stubborn, outspoken, thoroughly irritating ward. Her fiery beauty and independent spirit attract him. Is he falling in love? If only she’d stop talking to that imaginary friend.
Their enemies want to destroy them . . .
Both John and Isabelle have enemies who join forces to plot against them. John will brave any danger to protect Isabelle and his family. Even if it means seeing with his heart and believing in the impossible.

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Nombre del libro Enchanting The Duke
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 314.57 KB

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Descarga de Enchanting The Duke E-Book

El libro Enchanting The Duke escrito por Patricia Grasso se publicó el jueves, 1 de enero de 2015 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 158 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico enchanting the duke (314.57 KB)

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