Angie Bailey Popular Books

Angie Bailey Biography & Facts

Emmerdale is a British soap opera first broadcast on 16 October 1972. The following is a list of characters that appeared in 2016, by order of first appearance. Pierce Harris (Jonathan Wrather), the husband of established character Tess Harris (Nicola Stephenson), was introduced in February, along with Ryan Harred (George Sampson) and Aaron Livesy's (Danny Miller) half-sister, Liv Flaherty (Isobel Steele). The first birth of the year was in March when Megan Macey (Gaynor Faye) and Jai Sharma's (Chris Bisson) daughter, Eliza Sharma, was born. Holly Barton's (Sophie Powles) ex-boyfriend Dean (Craig Vye) first appeared in March, while Ronnie Hale (John McArdle) was introduced in April as a relation to the White family. Tracy Shankley's (Amy Walsh) father, Frank Clayton (Michael Praed) joined the show in August and Dotty Thomas made the second birth of the year in September. Lawrence White's (John Bowe) daughter, Rebecca White (Emily Head), was introduced in October and the final character to be introduced in 2016 was Will Scott (Ben Gerrard), who made his first appearance in December. Additionally, multiple other characters appeared in 2016. DS Jason Wise DS Jason Wise, played by Neil Roberts is the detective who investigates the historic sex abuse allegations brought by Aaron Livesy (Danny Miller) against his father Gordon Livesy (Gary Mavers). Couple of weeks later, DS Wise lets Aaron's mother Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) off with a warning after she vandalises Gordon's car and tells his neighbours that Gordon abuses children. A few days later, Robert Sugden (Ryan Hawley) gives DS Wise Gordon's ex-wife Sandra Flaherty's (Joanne Mitchell) address. Sandra denies knowing anything and refuses to be a witness for the defence or prosecution. DS Wise informs Aaron that another victim has come forward and that they now have enough evidence to charge Gordon. However, he later informs Chas and Robert that the witness has retracted his statement, but Gordon will still be charged. DS Wise attends Gordon's plea hearing, where Chas asks him why he did not say anything about Gordon faking the side effects of his cancer treatment. Gordon later tells DS Wise that the other witness was paid to give evidence against him and sends him after his daughter Liv Flaherty (Isobel Steele). Gordon is found guilty on all charges. Before Gordon's sentence hearing, DS Wise takes Liv home after she is caught shoplifting and he lets slip about the hearing. Days later, DS Wise breaks the news to Aaron and Liv that Gordon has died in prison. The following day, Liv texts DS Wise from Chas' phone asking him to come round quickly. When he arrives, Liv tells him Robert is responsible for Gordon's death, but DS Wise explains Gordon committed suicide. A few weeks later, DS Wise asks Chas out for a drink and she accepts. After their date, Chas invites him up to her room, but when DS Wise knocks over a box of old photos, she orders him to leave. He later return to arrest Robert. DS Wise questions Dawn Taylor (Olivia Bromley) when DI Mark Malone (Mark Womack) does not show up to work after she had filed a complaint about him. Wise returns on 2 November 2023 to question Kim Tate (Claire King) and Will Taylor (Dean Andrews) about the death of Craig Reed (Ben Addis) and departed again on 6 November 2023. Pierce Harris Pierce Harris, played by Jonathan Wrather, made his first screen appearance on 11 February 2016. The character and Wrather's casting was announced on 10 January 2016. Of his casting, Wrather said "I am thrilled to be joining Emmerdale. It's a great opportunity to be offered the chance to create a new character in one of TV's most popular shows and I'm very excited to be working with such an outstanding cast and team." Pierce is the husband of established character, Tess Harris (Nicola Stephenson) and has been mentioned on several occasions since Tess' arrival. Tess has been having an affair with Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt), who was described as not expecting to meet Tess' husband. Pierce turns up at the hospital to see his wife Tess, who was admitted after being struck by a car driven by a drunk Kirin Kotecha (Adam Fielding). Tess' friends, Paddy and his wife Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry), introduce themselves to Pierce, but he is led away by the doctors who want to discuss Tess' operation. Pierce is later told that Tess has died during surgery due to her injuries, and he rushes from the hospital. The following month, Pierce was given personal items of Tess' that were in her car. He discovered Tess had been having an affair and had a secret phone. He also found a brochure for the Mill Cottage development and wanted to have a look. Before looking at the development he went into The Woolpack for a drink where he saw Paddy and Rhona. He revealed that he had Tess's affair phone, which made Paddy squirm. Paddy's best friend Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) came to his rescue, but Rhona, who knew about the affair, agreed to meet with Pierce the following day. Pierce showed Rhona some of the texts Tess had sent to her lover, and after learning they were texting on Christmas Day and planning to go to Paris, Rhona cracked and revealed to Pierce that Paddy was Tess' mystery man. Pierce wrote numerous bad reviews for Paddy and Rhona's vet's surgery on a local business review site. Rhona realised he was behind them and confronted Pierce. Pierce tried to make Rhona see was kidding herself that she could patch up her marriage to Paddy. A few days later, Pierce handed out flyers on Hotten Road hoping to find a witness to Tess' death. Pierce handed Rhona and her friend Vanessa Woodfield (Michelle Hardwick) one, so Rhona invited him back to Smithy Cottage for a cup of tea. Pierce explained he had moved into a hotel since Tess died, so Rhona allowed him to temporarily stay with her and son Leo for a few days as she and Paddy had split up. Pierce continued looking for answers on how Tess died, and questioned Rakesh Kotecha (Pasha Bocarie) about if he knew Tess, as Rakesh's was the owner of the flat development Tess had a brochure of. Rakesh denied knowing Tess but Rhona later admitted that Rakesh's son Kirin was the police's main suspect in Tess' death before he scarpered. Pierce confronted Rakesh and called the police to say Rakesh was covering for his son. PC Williams visited Pierce and told him as there was no evidence of Rakesh being in contact with Kirin, the police couldn't do anything, although she told him the investigation was still ongoing. Pierce's manipulative relationship with Rhona ended in marriage but his insecurity and jealousy caused him to rape her on their wedding night. Pierce is found guilty of rape in July 2017 and sentenced to five years in prison. He is released on parole two and a half years later. Wrather reprised his role in 2020 in a previously unannounced twist. He returns as part of a "whodunnit" story focusing on the murder of Graham Foster (Andrew Scarborough), where he is exposed as Gra.... Discover the Angie Bailey popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Angie Bailey books.

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